Home | Set-up

What Home displays

  • Event Name, Dates, and Location: At the top of Home you will first find the Event Name, Date(s), and location of your event.
  • Access to the Main Menu: To access the Main Menu, click the three lines in the top left corner of the screen and/or simply swipe right on the home screen if on mobile.
  • New Notification Alerts: When you receive a notification, they will live in the menu at the top right with the bell icon.
  • Access to Messaging: Swipe Left on the home screen on mobile or click the chat bubble in the top right to access Messaging. Within Messaging, you will find Channels, and Direct Messages.
  • Countdown: In the lead up to your event, you may find a countdown clock on your home screen, counting down until the beginning of an event.
Note: this can be configured under  Home - Options 
  • Weather (App Only): During your event, current weather will display on the home screen. By tapping the current weather icon you will see detailed weather for the current week.

How to set up Home

To create and manage your Home, visit your event in the Admin site and select Home from the left-hand side menu. You will see two tabs to edit and create your home experience for your attendees. Once accessed, under the home tab, you will click the plus button [+] to populate tiles for the home screen. Remember, each tile can be specified to All attendees or specific people and groups.

Tile Types