Video Tile

Under this tile selection, you have the opportunity to enter/embed video content. You will see two options that list: Youtube/Vimeo or Select Material. If Youtube/Vimeo is selected, you will copy/paste the video link. If Material is selected, you will want to be sure the Material is uploaded to the event first under "Materials" and then you will be able to select the video you wish to showcase.
If selecting a video from Materials, be sure you add the video to Materials before trying to link it to a tile  Content Specifications Guide 

Tile Name: 35 character limit
Call to Action Text: 30 character limit
This text should inspire an action from the user. Examples could include: "Watch Now", "View Here", etc.
Tile Image:
  • Cropping Aspect Ratio: 16 x 9
  • Minimum Dimensions: 640x360px
  • Accepted File Types: PNG, JPG, SVG, WEBP, GIF