Appointments - Appointment Options

An overview on all the helpful options available to you for your appointments
Universal Setting: Cannot be changed at the per appointment level
Amenable: Can be changed at the per appointment level


Pre-determine (from 15 minutes to 12 hours) the maximum time limit per appointment. This helps to prevent people from booking a room for a large period of time if concerned about that. If you do not need to set a limit, you can leave this option empty.


Select the default appointment duration that will be auto-selected when creating new appointments. This is to reduce redundancy and help to set your team up for success by pre-selecting a default duration. If no update to time is made, appointments will default to 30 minutes.


Select the default setting on the appointment form for invite sending, updates & reminders for your appointments. These settings can be changed on a per-appointment basis if necessary
  • Enable Invites, Updates & Reminders (Default)
  • Everyone in the appointment will get an invite and any updates & reminders
  • View correspondences sent  Appointments - Email Overview 
  • Enable Invites Only
  • No updates or reminders will be sent
  • Ideal for appointments that are pre-determined and guaranteed not to change
  • Enable Updates & Reminders Only
  • The initial invite will not be sent from the system.
  • Ideal if the original invite was sent through external email/calendar but if you need updates and reminders for any changes & upcoming appointment times
  • Disable Invites, Updates & Reminders
  • No one will receive any updates or reminders
  • Exception: The Scheduler of the appointment will receive an email when someone RSVPs through the system (Navigating to their "My Appointments" and selecting a response)
  • This option is ideal for adding post-event appointments for reporting. We do not suggest doing this for appointments that have not yet occurred yet so insure that all attendees have the most up to date information


Priority is an internal facing option. Anyone without access to the platform (Customers) will not be able to see the tiering.
You may choose to prioritize your appointments by Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3. Prioritization may be important if the total number of proposed requests is larger then the capacity of meetings you could schedule within your meeting rooms. Once you've prioritized your appointments, you may use the Refine filter "Priority" to filter the view by Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 appointments.


The platform offers two primary links for your appointments. One is for internal use where you may Copy Appointment Link and send it to your colleague. They will be brought directly to this appointment when they click the link. The other link is for your customer. The Copy Ask Customer Link is the link you may send to your customer so they may choose the date and time that works best for their event schedule. The times presented to the customer are based upon your internal colleagues availability and the meeting rooms available if they are selected.


Each appointment has a section called ACTIVITY. Activity displays a date/time stamp of every change of your appointment for historical visibility. It also allows each individual colleague to capture notes regarding the appointment, such as outreach or suggested agenda items like Topics or Questions to be asked during the appointment.


Any of your colleagues will be able to Request an Invite to your appointment. In order to request an invite, the employee must add the person they'd like to request an invite for, such as themselves and/or other colleagues. It is also required that they provide a reason to be extended an invite.
Upon the request being sent, the scheduler and organizer will receive an email with the people being requested, the reason and the ability to Accept or Decline the request.