Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE
Implemented the ability to trigger the creation or add an existing collection to an event from the web. If selected the event organizer is directly brought into the steps on the admin to complete the action.
Made some design updates to buttons and added some elements for the large image list view for collections and for collection content details pop-ups. They now match the newly implemented list view.
Added the collection content progress bar in the new list view, it previously only showed in the larger image list view.
Updated logic that now displays the People & Groups field by default when creating a new company. The admin had to previously first save the company before it appeared.
Added the option to the Survey Competition to gain points when a user completes a survey.
Made the update that when a new event is created it is set to 'In Review' status instead of immediately making it 'Live'.
Added the ability for admin to update the copy of the pop-up message on the web for external event registrations.
Fixed a scrolling issue that would overlap the events in the list view with the refined filter criteria.
Introduced a live video tile on the home that will display for any happening schedule item that is powered by a Symphony (using RTMP, Video, or Embed Content).
Updated the upcoming, happening now events tile on the Company home to always queue up the next upcoming event. It will provide a quick option to view or register for the displayed event as well as allow a user to easily jump into a list of all upcoming events.
Addressed logic that now doesn't show tiles for Gallery or Explore on Web as they only are supported on the app.
Addressed an issue that after deleting numerous tiles in admin, an error message is received on the Web for Home and it also fails to load.
Added additional 'Arrange By' options on the Leads list view on Web. They already existed on the mobile app.
Made the ability to create nested menu items from your event's menu available to all admin users.
Added the ability for search to return results for any added custom user fields. We also introduced the ability to display any custom field as a refine filter.
Updated logic that prevents users from creating a custom field with a name that is already taken by a regular field to avoid errors in imports etc. due to dupe fields.
Addressed an issue that showed an attendee multiple times in the Pending requests if they received a connection request from someone that they also sent a request to connect.
Added the ability for an admin to add any user that registers via the event website to a dedicated group.
Made updates to the registration on the web allow the opening of added materials.
Fixed an issue that would add a default question only intended for hybrid events to the registration form of the "Virtual" or "In-Person" events registration forms.
Fixed an issue that would not display the date/time and location of an event on the registration pages.
Organized and added explanations for each report available for the 'Final Event Report' available under the Reports menu in admin per each event.
Added a 'Waitlisted' metric to the schedule item registration on the admin site to be able to see who's on a Waitlist for a schedule item.
Introduced the ability to bulk delete schedule items on admin using the unique schedule item IDs found in the schedule exports.
Updated logic that prevents users from creating a custom field with a name that is already taken by a regular field to avoid errors in imports etc. due to dupe fields.
Updated the display of the Audio & Video Control bars above the video controls if a video type material is being used in a Symphony.
Introduced a playback option when creating a Symphony using video content. Select to start the video playback as soon as the Symphony goes Live or on-demand per each participant.
Updated our Symphony form to correctly reflect that if RTMP is selected as Content the Symphony is not available on Mobile.