Free/Busy Exchange Integration

To utilize the Free-Busy exchange integration feature, your organization's exchange administrator will need to approve the use of the Cadence <> Exchange Free/Busy Integration. To learn more, ask your Cadence representative.

The Microsoft Exchange Free/Busy Integration streamlines the appointment scheduling process by allowing schedulers to see when invitees' calendars have a conflict. This gives internal colleagues a view of your conflicts when scheduling appointments or allowing customers to select appointment times through the

Key Steps

    .1Using the left-hand menu navigate to the Appointments → My Appointments.
    .2 Click on the + icon and click Create Appointment.
    .3Under the People section of the appointment form, click on View Availability to display the availability view.
    .4Look for the blue color-coded key labeled Outlook Event.
    .5Ensure that the suggested times work for all required attendees.

Ask Customer Usage

If utilizing the Ask Customer functionality, when your Customer selects a time, the times present times based on their free/busy status (as well as other Appointments or Schedule Items in Cadence).

Required Attendees

When internal attendees marked as Required the system will only present times when all required attendees have no conflicts.

Important Notes

  • Details of Outlook events are not visible for anyone, including the Calendar item name, attendees, locations, etc. This integration only provides a free or busy status.
  • Often attendees traveling will add all-day calendar events on their Outlook to indicate they are traveling. To avoid false-positive conflicts for this scenario, the Exchange/Outlook integration ignores the following conflicts types from Outlook Calendars:
  • All-day Outlook events are ignored
  • Outlook Meetings that are 6+ hours in duration are ignored