Eventbrite Integration

Below is the information that needs to be decided on and provided to your Cadence Customer Success Manager in order to kick off the integration and start pulling your Eventbrite attendee registrations into your Cadence event. In short, you'll need:

  •   Attendee registration fields to be mapped  
  •   Cadence registration or welcome email decision  
  •   Your Eventbrite Private Toke n 

Attendee registration fields to be mapped

Simply put, decide what attendee info you want to be sent from Eventbrite and how you want it mapped in Cadence. Here's an example:
Field Type
Eventbrite Field
Cadence Field
First Name
Last Name
Eventbrite Custom Question > Cadence Standard User Field
"What is your Twitter handle?"
Twitter Handle
Eventbrite Custom Question > Cadence Custom User Field**
"What is your favorite cuisine?"
Favorite Cuisine
**To familiarize yourself with the standard Cadence user fields, please download the user or attendee import template (full version) from your event admin website. If there are any additional fields you would like created, Cadence can assist in creating custom fields for you. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for further assistance.

Additionally, there may be information you are capturing during the registration process that you want used to assign attendees to  Groups  in Cadence for the purposes of social interaction and/or bulk assignments to Schedule Items or Tracks. Please create the relevant groups in your event then provide us with the list for mapping to Eventbrite answers. Example:
Field Type
Eventbrite Field
Cadence Field
Eventbrite Custom Question > Cadence Event Group
"What Industry are you in?"
  • Education
  • Medicine
  • Technology
Event Groups
  • Education
  • Medicine
  • Technology

Cadence Registration or Welcome Email decision

Decide if you want your event Registration Confirmation Email or Welcome Email sent as attendee registrations are pulled in from Eventbrite to Cadence or if you want neither. If you want this enabled you'll just need to confirm you have the relevant email customized to your liking before the integration is turned on.

The other option is to have this left off to start then have it scheduled to be turned on once you are ready to welcome attendees into the event.

Your Eventbrite Private Token

Lastly, we'll use your Eventbrite Private Token to create the connection and get things talking. You can simply visit  https://www.eventbrite.com/platform/docs/introduction  to find it.