Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE!
Implementing a new Speaker details page design to be full-page view instead of a pop-up. Also providing the ability to set a personalized banner per speaker or per event, seeing schedule items a speaker is participating in, and allowing admins to add Resources to a Speakers page.
Fixed an issue that wouldn't queue Customers within the adding new speakers to event workflow on Web.
Fixed an issue that when removing a speaker from a duplicated event also removed the speaker from the original event and vice versa.
Made improvements to the Symphony configuration workflow within a Schedule item and ensuring these Symphonies also still show in the Symphony list view too.
Update ability for a host to add materials and surveys and edit other configuration options within a Symphony before it is officially set to go live.
Improved logic that would by default set participant audio and video to be disabled.
Made some small adjustments to our new Moderator role including the display of 'Moderator' within the participants' list for hosts/co-hosts.
Added a banner within Symphonies for hosts/co-hosts that visually alerts them that a Symphony has not yet started and giving them the option to go live.
Updated our default logic for new accounts to always be set to have both login options set: (1) email with password and (2) instant login link.
Updated which logo is being used and its height for our instant login email to be consistent with our Notifications email logos being sent and adjusted our subject line slightly.
Fixed footer text overlapping with the login screen when resizing to a smaller browser window.
Made some adjustments to how 'Submit' for Login is triggered to prevent submitting the action for the instant login link when the user actually wants to login in with a password.
Implemented a stand-alone page showing a list of all appointments that Companies have received from attendees, including the status of the appointment and other meeting details.
Improved and added some much-needed tracking on our Companies pages.
Added a Search and Refine filter on our Companies list page on the admin site.
Added another option within our Support Menu drop called 'What's New' which when clicked will lead users to our 'Releases and Product Updates' collection. It doesn't get any easier than that to stay up to date.
Added the ability for event organizers to create surveys from within the Materials page for an event within Admin.
Added a description display that shows when users hover of the Collections tiles on the Web, given you a glance of the collection content without having to click into it.
Fixed an issue that would disable the ability to add Collections or Collection Content for admins of multiple accounts.
Implemented a Symphony Report available on the Event Level providing information on who joined a Symphony and how long they remained in it.
Fixed an error that was received when trying to export an Excel for our leaderboard scoring.
Account Management
Set up several default logos and imagery for every new account created and which can be switched by account owners in the admin.
Fixed an issue that would hide the ability to access the registration form settings and questions for a couple of events.
Updated our Event Email templates adding the ability to add an attribute link for Login and App links.
Fixed an issue for creating Private Channels within Messaging. When trying to add People and searching by their email it was not returning search results.
Fixed our submenu items causing a shift of other menu items when hovering over them.