An overview on how to view, refine and report on your appointments
At the Event landing page, navigate to . You can filter by or that are occurring at the event in your company.
The appointments list screen is the primary screen for viewing your appointments. The appointments are listed in alphabetical order, followed by date/time in sequential order, once the appointments have a date & time. The listing of appointments includes an Appointment Name, Date/Time, Location, People, and many more.
To view an individual appointment, simply select the . For a quick snapshot of the attendees of the appointment along with their participation status, select the Number in the People column.
The other actions available to you for an appointment can be found in the Actions ( icon.
Copies URL to share with your colleagues
Copies all e-mail addresses linked to the appointment
Downloads .xls file of all attendees
Copies the scheduling link of customers
Settings to merge one appointment with another
Opens Appointment details to Edit appointment
Cancels the appointment
Deletes the appointment
Appointment details display all the information selected when the New Appointment was created. These fields can be updated if changes need to be made by clicking Edit in the Actions icon
A of the appointments is also available. This feature allows for a better visual experience when managing appointments, especially useful for adding attendees without needing to edit the meeting details.
Select while in in order to synch all of your appointments with dates and times on your desktop and devices.
At the top of the page, the overview metrics for Appointments will display.
The statuses for each appointment are:
This is the total number of appointments in all statuses.
These are appointments that have been proposed to occur at the event, but outreach has not been sent out from the system.
These are appointments where invites have been sent out through the system. Invites may be sent with a specific date and time selected or with the ability for the customer to select the date & time they prefer.
These are appointments where the customer has accepted the invite that was sent with a date & time or they have selected their preferred date & time through the ask a customer option. For internal meetings, confirmed status means that at least one attendee has accepted the invite.
These are appointments where the customer has declined the invite that was sent. Customers are able to provide a reason for decline, such as Not Attending Event, Fully Booked or Other Reason.
These are appointments that your company has cancelled. Cancelled appointments are typically due to the organization deciding they'd no longer like to have the appointment or the customer has informed you outside of the system that they will be unable to meet, such as not attending the event.
A powerful feature of Appointments is the ability to see if within your organization, two or more groups have a mutual request to meet with your customer. Tap to view the appointments that have mutual requests.
You have the ability to and your appointments in almost any manner that you would like.
Within the search bar, you may search by Appointment Name, Employee Name/Email or Customer Name/Email.
By tapping the Filter button, you will see all refine options, which include, but are not limited to: Date, Time, Organizer, Scheduler, Location, Objective, and many more.
You can configure columns you want to appear in your appointment list by toggling them on or off using the Column Management. You can also rearrange the columns using drag and drop method in the Column Management box.
Upon selecting your Refine criteria, you may choose to save this view by clicking on and . This will save the refined view for you to quickly access each time you visit your appointments. You may also select so that each time you visit All Appointments, it will automatically be defaulted to this view.
Toggle on and enter people you would like to share this saved View with.
You may download a listing of your appointments or all appointments by clicking theicon button. The reports are available in Excel, PDF or PPT formats. If you use search or filter functions, the downloaded report will be of the appointments that matched your search or filter criteria.
There is also a new feature to Import XLS or ICS appointments in bulk. Choose one of the Import options and drag and drop the import file into the pop up window as directed.
Import - Appointments (XLS) - Use to prepare file.
Import - Appointment (ICS)
Click the button to see the analytics of All Appointments to date. You may also download these analytics as a report by using the Export to PDF or Export to PPT functions.
You may also view in the Appointments menu on the left hand side to see the same screen.