Companies - Requesting an Appointment with Companies

Your event may offer the ability to request appointments with a company. There are two main methods of requesting appointments with companies within Cadence.

Request an Appointment for the Event Organizer to Facilitate

This format allows you to click Request Appointment, which will confirm that the appointment request has been sent.

Once selected, the request will become official. The representatives that are assigned to that Company page will be cc'd on an email together to reach out to you by email to find a time that works best with everyones schedules.

The event organizer may have set up appointment requests so that you get a maximum number of requested appointments

You may always cancel your request if you'd like by clicking the Cancel Request button.

Request an Appointment through Date & Time Availability

Events may have company appointment scheduling set up through displaying each date and time of availability for the company. You may select your preferred date & time from their availability which will send the official appointment request to the people representing the company.

Upon the company accepting your request, you and the company will receive the official confirmation with online meeting details & link to add to your calendar. The appointment will also display within your Schedule in web and app.