New Updates for Thursday, February 11, 2021

Green Heart Added a Moderator role within Symphony that will have full control over the Symphony but will not be visible to attendees or listed in the Participants list.
Green Heart Implemented a first version of the waiting screen for participants informing them that a Symphony has not yet started.
Green Heart Updated the default display within the Symphony when no content is being used.
Green Heart Improved device selection workflow for audio/video controls if the connection to the first device fails.
Green Heart Updated some minor details for our "You've been promoted to Panelist" pop-up.
Green Heart Worked on some feedback and edits to our newly updated new Symphony form
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would not save form configurations for the Ask a Question setting.

Green Heart Switched the primary login option to first present Login with Email and Password
Green Heart Improved the instant login workflow that presents to users when they are not registered yet for an event and lets them know the steps to take from the login screen.
Green Heart Implemented remember user logic when logging in via the instant login link allowing the user to access their event reusing their login link for a set period of time. The link however spoils if the user opts to log out of the system.
Green Heart Updated workflow when logging in via the instant login link forcing users to set a password if no password was previously set and also prompting users to agree to our terms of services.

Green Heart Added new tiles to the events home screen including a prompt for attendees to check their Schedule before their event starts and to make a post in the Live Feed if they haven't yet done so.

Green Heart Improved navigation from Web to Admin and vice versa now opening in the same window instead of adding a new tab each time the button is clicked.

Green Heart Implemented the first version of our Schedule import within admin that allows event organizers to upload hundreds of schedule items within minutes. We will make this available to all admins very soon.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue for accessing materials within Schedule items that have specific view settings and would prevent some users from viewing the materials.

Green Heart Added an event loading screen when finishing the Event Wizard steps to get organizers excited and inform them that their event is now ready and created.
Green Heart Removed Symphony Menu item from the Mobile preview screen in the Event Wizard as this feature is currently only on the Web. We promise it's coming to mobile very soon.

Green Heart Included a new attribute for attendees' Last Name to use within the attendee email templates.
Green Heart Added the ability to update the Registration Email template along with the Welcome Email template in the admin.

Green Heart Updated options within admin to support setting the default Speaker sorting to a custom sort or A to Z sort.
Green Heart Added support to upload a background image for Speaker profiles for each Speaker and within the Events images to support our soon to be released and redesigned Speaker Profiles.

Green Heart Implemented the option to hide an event's name/date/location that normally displays over the Home image on the top left.
Green Heart Updated our logic to remove notifications from the Home screen if they are older than a day. You can still access any of them from the Global Notification menu in the header.

Green Heart Improved logic on how we send notifications late-night early morning without disturbing you with ping noises. Uninterrupted sleep is important!

Green Heart Added a multi-image cropper for Compete images and added a details image field option.

Lady Beetle Addressed an issue that wouldn't allow admins to reorder and save answers for their multiple-choice questions.

Lady Beetle Fixed an error message received when writing a message within a public channel.

Lady Beetle Fixed timezone discrepancies due to some countries abandoning their Daylight Savings and us having to catch up with the times, literally.