Let's say you have an event coming up and want to allow attendees to see different roles or organization within the event, for example a list of on-site staff, sponsors, or representatives from organizations.
To manage your groups, head to the section within the administrative site, and then nagivate to .
Next let's make some groups. I'm going to make groups for as well as , but your groups can be for whatever you'd like. Start by clicking on the big plus sign ( + ), and entering a name and pressing .
Now your group name will appear.
Next, let's add some users to these groups. Click into the group you want to populate and then click on the tab.
You can add users to your group by clicking "Add Single" or "Add Multiple". Input the person's email address and they will be now added to the group.
To add a user to a group, they must already be an attendee of your event.
Now, let's check Cadence to see what's changed.
That's easy, when editing your group, just click on the button. Doing so will only make the groups visible to admins.