Sending an Event Welcome Email to your Attendees

You can customize a welcome email which can be sent to attendees.

For more information on sending the event welcome email, check out this  Loom video. 

To configure your event's welcome email. Navigate to People -> Attendees and then click on the tab "Emails" . Here you can personalize the welcome email with important information specific to your event.

Using Merge Fields

You can personalize the merge fields present in your welcome email by using the merge fields listed under Attributes.

Just click on the attribute you want to insert and it will appear in blue text, indicating that it will pull the data specific to your event.

Sending Welcome Emails

Within your Attendees menu you can click on the email icon next to any attendees' name and select Send Welcome Email.

Pro Tip: Send the welcome email to yourself first to make sure it's formatted to your liking.

Bulk Sending of Welcome Emails

You can use the Bulk Actions button to send emails to multiple people at once. Any attendees who you've searched or filtered will be sent your welcome email.