New Updates for Week of September 19, 2022

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE.
Green Heart Added logic that allows the People field in the refine filters for appointments to search for Groups as well.
Green Heart Implemented the ability to create public appointment availability links that can be distributed to any customer for booking appointments. The feature is enabled via the menu in admin within the appointments feature. Once enabled on the web users can create and set up links as needed (with one or multiple organizers in a round-robin style assignment). After creation, a user can copy and share the link with anyone. On the ask customer page during the confirmation step of a date and time, we will ask for the customer's name and email and confirm an appointment by sending everyone invited an email with all meeting details.
Green HeartMade an update on how we display the priority tier buttons on the new/edit appointments form.
Green Heart Implemented the configuration that allows an admin to fully disable appointment priority tier display on the appointment forms.
Green Heart Updated the appointment time attributes within email templates to now support attributes for selection for the full appointment time duration (with start and end time), appointment start time, and appointment end time.
Green Heart Made some design updates to the loading screen displays for the appointment metrics on the listing page as well as for the online meeting analytics pages.
Green Heart Updated our company logo image minimum height requirements both in admin and web when editing a company page.
Green Heart Added some copy to explain that importing customer to a customer list will only be available for customers that already exists. New customer records will not be added or imported in this workflow.
Green Heart Made some small adjustments to customer field labels for the edit and create new customer pages to be using the same labels across all.
Green Heart Updated logic that now auto-adds the event manager to an event when they are duplicating an event. We also made sure if an event manager is not allowed to create events that they won't see a duplicate option.
Lady Beetle Addressed an issue that would not save an Event 'End Time' edit for a single day event.
Green Heart Implemented the ability to enable Zoom recording when our Zoom integration is being utilized. This will allow an event organizer to enable recordings per schedule item or appointment. Once the meetings are over the recordings will be available for the respective users and can be distributed as needed.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would not preview a home tile on admin during set up the same way it then outputs on the web.
Lady Beetle Fixed logic that would show a discrepancy when sending a notification that is linked to a schedule item. It should show the sender count as the actually registered attendees for a schedule item and NOT include the waitlisted users in the sender count.
Lady Beetle Addressed an issue that when duplicating a notification would not also duplicate the email sender name from the original notification and instead reverted to the default sender name.

Green Heart Introduced the ability for our Premium Pro and Enterprise users to connect their Office 365 Mailbox so that emails can be triggered directly within our platform without having to navigate away. This is currently functional for our appointment emailing feature on the web.
Green Heart Updated logic that now allows admin users to refine the location for schedule items by real or custom locations. Previously it only allowed the search for rooms assigned to schedule items of the event.
Green Heart Made updates to how we show appointments in the My Schedule list view to be more in line with the display of schedule items in this view.