Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE
Fixed an error when a user clicked on the 'Attending/Not Attending' section of a Customer profile IF the user opened the profile via the appointment details screen.
Introduced a customer analytics page accessible to all admins via the web that will provide insights such as how many customers were engaged over different time spans.
Implemented an event analytics page at the company account level, providing stats to account owners such as how many events and attendee sizes were taking place in a specified time frame.
Event Wizard
Ensured when an admin is creating a hybrid event via the Event Wizard that a city has to be entered in order to set the event time-zone, which is required for the in-person portion of the event.
Added the ability to filter home tiles by attendance type for hybrid events. It allows to only display a tile to anyone marked virtual or in-person.
Updated different features on our website to now indicate the timezone such as for all messages and live feed posts.
Introduced a 'Location' refine filter for the people list that allows attendees to search the attendee list for cities and countries.
Added the ability to edit the email images per each available attendee email template for an event.
Introduced a new section in your user profile that displays any notes taken on a PDF material or a Symphony.
Added the ability to filter schedule items display in your Full Schedule by attendance type for hybrid events. It allows to only show to anyone marked virtual or in-person within a selected group that might have both types of attendees.
Ensured that all admin user types are able to link speaker profiles to attendee profiles.
Made the Custom Live Stream content option available for all Premium Pro license events.
Added a button that allows a participant to go back to the home page if the Symphony they currently have open needs to be closed out due to technical restrictions (you may only have one Symphony open per browser).
Introduced the ability to customize your Symphony background screen by allowing to upload a background image when creating a new Symphony.
Added the Custom Live Stream links and explanations to the Edit mode for a Symphony.