New Updates for Monday, January 11, 2021

An overview of this week's web and admin updates

Green Heart Updated copy for the ending of a Symphony meeting for more clarity.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue with typing messages, to not have a user's cursor jump to the beginning of the message field when someone else submitted a message.
Lady Beetle Updated an issue in messaging for participants you are not connected with, showing no name or thumbnail for those users.
Lady Beetle Corrected an error when removing panelist audio/video controls from a participant, throwing an error for that participant.
Green Heart Improved resource management flow and added functionality for company reps and admins to allow editing, and reordering company resources.
Green Heart Implemented the ability to reorder the company representatives within the admin, coming to Web soon.
Green Heart Renamed some header copy within our Competitions details views for more clarity and consistency.
Green Heart Implemented a 'Remember this browser' option when logging in using an email and password.
Lady Beetle Fixed our logic so the login screen always shows the respective platform name.
Green Heart Made some updates to the new People list view, changing button color, fixing some spacing, and adding more quick messaging options when connected with another user.
Green Heart Removed the address field within user profiles.
Live Feed
Green Heart Added a column and filter within the admin for Live Feeds with multiple feeds to quickly be able to see what Live Feed post was posted in which Feed.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would throw an error message whenever a URL without HTTPS was used within a Live Post.
Event Management
Green Heart Updated the label for the Email image under Images for an Event and added 'Used In' information for more clarity.
Green Heart Moved the survey images you may select to the details tab within the survey set up in the admin.
Green Heart Removed visibility of the email field for speaker profiles for privacy.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue on the new user or customer form available on the appointment edit screen that wouldn't allow selecting any drop-down fields.
Lady Beetle Corrected an error that was triggered whenever a new user or customer was to be entered from the appointments edit screen.
Lady Beetle Corrected an issue with showing some out of place carrot menu icons within the admin menu when collapsed.