New Updates for Week of May 18, 2022

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE

Green Heart Made updates to the display of the appointments metrics display and now allow multi selecting statuses.
Green Heart After some feedback we updated the colors for the proposed and cancelled statuses for better readability and distinction.
Green Heart Added logic that prevents email bots to decline as customer invites.
Green Heart Updated the appointments import template to now include a row with help text for each column so organizers know what information needs to be entered.
Green Heart Introduced the ability to apply room configurations to other rooms via the admin site for faster and more efficient set up for the event organizer.
Green Heart Added a new refine filter for appointments for 'Customer's State'.
Green Heart Made logic updates to when an appointment is set to be an ask customer invite BUT no customer is present in the appointment. We now prevent the appointment organizer from sending an ask customer invite and show an alert message why they can't proceed.
Lady Beetle Addressed issue that would show an error message when trying to change the organizer of a previously created appointment template.
Lady Beetle Fixed the display for users with smaller screens of the appointments list view when refine filters are applied.
Green Heart Introduced the ability to set a collection image at the account level that will then be applied when no image is selected for a new collection during creation.
Green Heart Added the ability to schedule an appointment using an appointment template to from the Customers details view.
Green Heart Updated our options displays and made some needed copy edits for our available customer pages 'Engagements, Attending/Not Attending and Main List' to only show the relevant options per each page.
Green Heart Introduced logic to auto update the phone country code IF a country was selected for a new customer profile.
Lady Beetle Updated logic when duplicating an event and renaming the new event to then also update the home menu item to the new event name.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would display some pop-ups off-centered when the left-hand menu is also expanded.
Green Heart Implemented a Pexel integration for selecting and selecting images throughout the platform where available.
Live Feed
Green Heart Added the ability to post on behalf of someone else with the option to select from all available feeds. Previously it only allowed to post to the main live feed.
Green Heart Implemented the ability in admin to change ANY menu icon not just the icons for custom menu items or custom pages.
Green Heart Made improvements to the topics of interest selection from within the interest topics pop-up on a users profile.
Lady Beetle Corrected logic that when a user starts registration but doesn't finish it, then goes back to complete registration that the registration date and time stamp get updated.
Green Heart Included new columns for schedule item date, start time & end time for the 'Schedule Item Assignments Report' that is part of the final event reports.
Green Heart Added a column to the schedule registration export report that allows an organizer to see the status per each attendee (Registered, Assigned, Waitlisted).
Green Heart Included some additional language in our schedule import templates to indicate that using 24 hour or AM/PM format can be used for the import.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that wouldn't allow users on smaller browser windows to scroll on the subscribe to calendar pop-up, making it difficult for them to know how to apply this feature.
Lady Beetle Addressed a display issue of pinned messages and presented questions when viewing a Symphony from within a mobile browser.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would not allow a participant to close a presented material when presenting the same material again.
Lady Beetle Made updates to ensure participants aren't left seeing just a refresh loop when attempting to join a Symphony.