Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE.
Added an option to "Add Partner" from the appointment details page if the appointment is connected to a partner event.
Added information regarding file size restrictions for resource uploads that will be used in email invites in order to prevent issues with handling overly large files.
Fixed an issue that removed this form's functionality when we updated to our new form UI.
Fixed an issue where customer profiles were missing information tabs in their admin profiles.
Fixed a formatting issue affecting headers on custom pages.

- Added the ability to import attendees and customers for their respective fields within the Blueprint form.
- Manageable events now display a preview of customers associated to an event via appointments, sessions, speaker or event check-in list presence.
- Allowed uploading of additional resource types in the Blueprint form, including PowerPoint, Word, and Excel.
Obfuscated timestamps and subject lines in the email deliverability reports for enhanced data privacy.
Removed the option to create a free account from the admin login page.
Fixed an error preventing updates to user profile data on the Professional Information tab on admin.
Added clarifying verbiage to the "Appointments Attendance Status" report description.
Introduced a speaker label for schedule items, improving organization and visibility, while providing customization.