New Updates for Week of July 10, 2024

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE.

Account Management
Green Heart Domain Filter Implementation: To maintain the exclusivity of enterprise accounts, we've introduced a domain filter in admin settings. This prevents the addition of attendees across different enterprises by blocking user creation based on email domains, ensuring users are registered only within their respective organizations.

Green Heart Form Settings: Update the text for all settings to clearly communicate what each does when toggled on or off.
Green Heart New Status Styling: Updated the analytics dashboard header with new status styling for a more intuitive display.
Green Heart Invite Response Pages: Updated the user interface for the Accept, Tentative, and Decline pages shown to invited attendees, enhancing usability and visual appeal.
Green Heart Export Enhancements: Updated export files to include customer city and state, providing more detailed information.
 Lady Beetle  Customer Hard Conflicts: Addressed an issue that allowed bypassing customer hard conflicts in the full-screen edit/create mode.
Lady Beetle Edit Form: Enhanced the system's handling of incomplete form entries that prevent users from confirming or sending invites until all required fields are completed. Better guidance is now provided on what needs to be filled out to proceed, ensuring a smoother and more intuitive user experience.
Lady Beetle Analytics Accuracy: Fixed an issue where charts by percentages in analytics did not accurately add up in regards to the statuses it should take into account.

Green Heart Video Content Management: Added the ability to auto-detect the length of video content in collections to enhance content handling.

Green Heart New Customer Management:
  • Implemented a warning when trying to create a new customer record using a specified user domain. This will help in ensuring the correct creation of a customer vs user record.
  • Enhanced the import process to prevent the creation of customer records if specified user domains are being used.

Custom Pages
Lady Beetle Manual Email Linking: Resolved an issue where emails could not be manually linked in custom pages.

Live Feed
Lady Beetle Issue Updates:
  • Addressed an issue with video downloads in bulk from the live feed moments pages.
  • Fixed an error related to handling materials in the admin.

Green Heart Attendee Import: Added functionality to verify email domains during the import of event attendees.
Green Heart Event Check-In Export: Added the ability to export check-in lists in PDF format for easier documentation and sharing.

Lady Beetle AM/PM Display for Schedule Item: Corrected the schedule item display to include AM or PM indicators when only the start time is provided.

Green Heart Calendar View: Introduced a new calendar view for both 'My Schedule' and 'Full Schedule,' featuring day and week views. For 'My Schedule,' users can see a comprehensive display of their schedule items and confirmed appointments. A user-friendly pop-up view provides quick access to details, making it easier to add or remove items, thus improving schedule management and user interaction.
Green Heart Remove/Unregister Pop-Up: Added a pop-up warning when removing/unregistering from a schedule item to confirm user actions and prevent accidental changes.