New Updates for Monday, November 16, 2020

An overview of this week's web and admin updates

Green Heart Implemented the ability for all participants to select their Audio and Video Input Devices for a Symphony.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that showed a white logo loading for a split second when sending a Live Poll Survey to the audience.
Lady Beetle Updated logic to not show participants an action bar for audio/video/screen share as well as not display them in the Gallery or Participant Top view if AV is not enabled for them.
Lady Beetle Fixed display of empty error message when adding an embedded material to a Symphony.
Lady Beetle Fixed the material image missing in your Presentation Index view when adding materials to a Symphony.
Lady Beetle Corrected error message showing when presenting video materials to the audience.
Lady Beetle Updated an issue to properly switch video input when previewing and applying new input.
Lady Beetle Applied proper logic that switches default participant video view to be "top' for all when someone starts sharing their screen.
Green Heart Implemented the ability to view all of your Followed Collections from within your profile.
Green Heart Added an empty state screen in your Profile for when you have no pending connection requests.
Green Heart Added the ability to start a private chat channel for any of the Groups you are a part of.
Lady Beetle Changed the ability to create People to only be available for admin users.
Green Heart Turned off the ability for attendees to create schedule items and will work to add a proper admin toggle to determine per each event.
Green Heart Added some descriptive text in our Options in Admin underneath 'Enable Symphony' that specifies this is available on Web-only for now.
Green Heart Updated the design of our system error messages from a scary red to a less invasive stress-inducing prompt that also lets you trigger a page refresh or contact us directly.
Green Heart Added the option to deep-link notifications to the online meeting URL for any schedule items that have the information available.
Green Heart Provided Admin user access to the new hyperlink functionality for any Menu item within the text block for our Home sections.
Green Heart Added image specifications to the Collections Edit page in the Admin so it's easier to know what images will work well.
Green Heart Updated our email copy for virtual events for our Ask Customer invites to stay current.
Lady Beetle Updated logic on what user types can create public and/or only private channels at the event and company level. We also ensured that the private Event level channels queue only the attendees of an event not everyone from the company that is not part of the event.
Lady Beetle Corrected a spelling error for Materials when prompted to enter a 'Passcode' not a 'Passode'. Silly us!
Lady Beetle Updated the edit company profile header label to say "Edit Profile".
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that created a black background when uploading png logos with transparent background.
Account Management
Lady Beetle Corrected Topics label under the Organization Profile that was improperly listed as Companies, oops!