New Updates for Week of May 20, 2024

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE.

Green Heart Rooms UI Updates: Improved the user interface for managing rooms, enhancing usability and aesthetics for appointment configurations.
Green Heart Invites & Emails Enhancements: Ensured that location links to maps are always included in invites, confirmations, update emails, and ICS files, even if no physical map is attached, enhancing clarity and accessibility for attendees.

Green Heart Cancellation Pop-Up: Updated the text in the cancellation pop-up for company appointments to better communicate the implications of cancellation and who receives the email.
Lady Beetle Timezone in Emails: Corrected the differences between event and user timezones in confirmation emails for company appointments, ensuring attendees receive accurate timing information relative to their attendance type (in-person vs virtual).

Green Heart Filter Design Review: Conducted a second round of reviews for the filter design on the web, refining user interface elements for enhanced interaction.

Lady Beetle Privacy Option Link Fix: Fixed a broken link in the onboarding options that allows attendees to set their visibility to private, ensuring functionality is restored.

Green Heart Open APIs for Cadence: Released open APIs for Cadence, expanding integration possibilities and enhancing system interoperability.

Lady Beetle Search Field Error: Resolved an issue where the report section's search field was triggering error messages, improving reliability and user experience.

Lady Beetle Date Entry Improvement: Made enhancements to the schedule item start and end date entry process to minimize errors moving forward.
 Lady Beetle  Check/Uncheck UI Feedback: Fixed an issue where the 'check all/uncheck all' options for assigning users to schedule items did not properly reflect the user interface's actions, enhancing clarity and usability.