New Updates for Tuesday, November 24, 2020

An overview of this week's web and admin updates

Green Heart Added the ability to initiate a video chat from direct messages within your Messenger if you have a Zoom or Webex integration.
Green Heart Completed some more beautifications of our messenger such as making it easier to create a private channel and directly invite others.
Lady Beetle Fixed a silly system error message when creating a new channel.
Event Registration
Green Heart Removed footer App download links from our Registration pages as to not mention them twice. We don't want to be repetitive.
Green Heart Implemented the ability to build and add a custom registration form for your event via the admin site. The form will trigger after a user registered on your public registration page and it allows you to ask your attendees' important questions and help you plan even better more customized experiences.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue with App download links not redirecting to the custom added App links if provided.
Green Heart Improved the navigating for hosts when moving their cursor over the content area, the system panel now displays more easily and intuitively.
Green Heart Added a status column and refine filter to indicate if a Symphony has 'Not Started', is 'Live', or already 'Ended'.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that when Co-hosts were enabled it disabled participants from the view.
Lady Beetle Fixed and updated copy for a system error when enabling audio/video.
Lady Beetle Moved the 'Questions' menu item below the 'Presentation' menu item. Priorities!
Green Heart Added a follow/ unfollow button on the Collections list view to make it even faster to select all the content that interests you the most.
Green Heart Updated the copy for the Collections Follower email to be more coherent and easily digestible.
Green Heart Removed the (+) button for users, preventing unwanted uploads into an event's curated collections.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue with the Follow button in Collections on the My Company level that on rollover was not displaying text in white.
Green Heart Update the create/edit schedule item form for users by hiding the ability to enable the registration toggle and preventing them to add others to their personal schedule item.
Green Heart Worked on some improvements to our Zoom/Webex integration logic when schedule items are edited 15 minutes before a meeting or after they have been started.
Lady Beetle Fixed our speaker avatars having 2 different sizes for the border-radius on the schedule items list view.
Lady Beetle Updated email copy for when your company's calendar subscription is set to subscribe via the Google Calendar to also make sure it mentions Google and nothing else.
Lady Beetle Fixed the Google Calendar subscription to show the proper Calendar Name when subscribing.
Green Heart Update our home logo to support images with a width of up to 400 pixels.
Lady Beetle Fixed another rather mysterious error message that appeared for notifications linked to deleted menu items.
Live Feed
Green Heart Added an option for @mentioning when creating a new live feed post or replying to one.
Green Heart Updated highlighting display for sub-menu items slightly, less is more.
Green Heart Updated navigation of user-profiles, so when you click anywhere on your profile it now opens up your details page and from there you can opt to edit or log out.
Green Heart Corrected some logic and updated an error message when importing users from a different company to your event, allowing you to add them without changing any of their user information.
Green Heart Added the ability for attendees (Email) - Conflict Email - Ability to Disable
Green Heart Updated the appointments import to auto-set the location for virtual events to the Zoom or Webex integration when available. One less thing to worry about setting yourself.
Lady Beetle Due to some Chrome browser updates, we had to correct our (+) option globally on our feature pages, as they got slightly misaligned, or as our CEO would say 'they looked drunk'!
Lady Beetle Removed breadcrumb navigation within companies, as it caused more confusion than clarity to our users.
Lady Beetle Fixed the issue that prevented a deep linked online meeting URL from opening the direct link.