Schedule - The What and How-to for Event Admins

An overview on how to bringing to life your ideal schedule for your audience

For ease in navigating,  click here to jump to The what  and  click here to jump to the How-tos !

Your schedule menu options

Within your event's administrative site menu configuration (under Event Setup > Menu), you will have the options to enable the below schedule sub-menu views.
  •  Full Schedule 
  •  My Schedule 
  •  Featured Session Tracks 
Note: Full Schedule and My Schedule may be renamed (under Event Setup > Menu) to anything of your liking within your event menu, such as Registration, Breakouts, Conference Schedule. You are also able to limit the visibility of these session menu items to certain people and/or group(s)!

What do these do?

Full Schedule

If you have sessions that you want your attendees to register for, this is the feature for you!
When enabled in your event menu and within the session option, this is where a list of all your built sessions with "Display in Full Schedule" enabled would live for your audience. Within this Full Schedule list, your attendees will be able to register/add sessions to their "My Schedule" and join the session when the time comes! The schedule items are sorted in date/time order by default. In this schedule view, your attendees may:
  • Search for a session
  • Refine by Date, Time, Location, and Track.
  • Arrange the schedule by Chronological or Reverse Chronological order.
  • View the session description, list of speakers, and many more details by clicking on the session title.
  • Scroll through the list of all available schedule items and select which sessions they would like to attend. For an attendee to join the session, they will need to:
  • Click Add/Register (depending on your waitlist configuration - noted within the How-To section below) next to their desired session(s) for these to be added to their "My Schedule
  • Navigate to their "My Schedule" for a list of all their selected sessions. This is also where they would need to navigate to join a virtual session.
  • Note: Until the session is added to their "My Schedule," the link to join a virtual session will not be available to them.

My Schedule

Your attendees "My Schedule" is a combined list of all sessions they are assigned to or have selected to attend from the "Full Schedule." If enabled in your event menu, the items in your attendee's "My Schedule" may be:
  • Any pre-assigned sessions by the event organizer(s)
  • A list of all registered/added sessions from their "Full Schedule"
  • Any attendee requested appointments amongst each other or with companies/sponsors
The schedule items are sorted in date/time order by default. In this schedule view, your attendees may:
  • Search for a session
  • Refine by Date, Time, Speaker, Location, and Track.
  • Arrange their My Schedule by Chronological or Reverse Chronological order.
  • View the session description, list of speakers, and many more details by clicking on the session title.
  • Access the online meeting link to join a virtual session.

Featured Session Tracks

If enabled in your event menu, this will allow a quick view of all sessions within the Full Schedule under the selected track to bring better track visibility and traffic.

If this does not fit your event need and everyone's schedule is pre-assigned for them, we can do this too!

You just simply turn off Full Schedule and My Schedule from your event menu, and just use Schedule.


Building your Event Schedule in Cadence

You may upload your session(s) or manually add session(s) within the administrative site.
  • To upload your session(s):
  • Navigate to your event administrative site
  • Select "Schedule" within the event menu
  • Click "Import" at the top right
  • Click "Template" within the import screen to download and open the excel template
  • Fill out your session detail(s) using the data guidance within the template
  • Save your completed document on your computer
  • Remember where you have saved this as you will need to locate this document in the next step
  • Click "Select file" from the import schedule dialog box
  • Locate the document on your computer and double click the file
  • This will initialize the import and provide a summary of its success!
  • To manually create your session(s) one-by-one:
  • Navigate to your event administrative site
  • Select schedule within the event menu
  • Click the blue (+) sign to add a session
  • Fill in your session information 
  • Click "Save" or "save and Create New"

Set Up Each Schedule Feature

Full Schedule

To have a session display in the Full Schedule, you first need to:
  • Within the session import template, just simply mark the "Enable Registration" column as "Yes."
  • Navigate to your event administrative site
  • Select schedule within the event menu
  • Navigate to your desired session or create one.
  • Click on the session title or edit icon to begin editing the session configuration
  • Click on "options"
  • Enable "Display in Full Schedule"
  • Once you have selected for this session to display in the Full Schedule, you can:
  • Limit the visibility of who this is available to in the Full Schedule by clicking on "(All)" and adjusting the "Allowed Users."
  • Set a session capacity and allow for a waiting list
  • If you allow for a waiting list, the attendee's prompt to add to their My Schedule will display as "REGISTER."
  • If you DO NOT allow for a waiting list, the attendee's prompt to add to their My Schedule will display as "ADD."

My Schedule

Sessions by default will live within your attendee's "My Schedule" unless selected to display in the Full Schedule. The My Schedule
  • Within the session import template, just simply mark the "Enable Registration" column as "No."
  • This is turned on by default so no additional actions are needed outside of creating the session item.


To build your session tracks and organize your session by items like topics, types, and audience focus, you can organize them by tracks!
You will first need to build your tracks before assigning sessions to the track. To do this:
  • Navigate to your event administrative site
  • Select schedule within the event menu
  • Click on "options"
  • Turn on "Enable Tracks" and hit save
  • This will add the item "tracks" to your schedule builder view
  • Click on "tracks" and select the blue (+) button to add a track type
  • Fill out your track information including the name, hex color, and visibility of who can see this track title
  • Click Add
  • You can then navigate into each of your session items and add them to their desired track(s) from the drop-down list. You may also upload the track assignments during your session upload.
  • Note: If uploading the track session assignments, the tracks must first be created.
  • If you forgot to create the track before manually creating a session, no worries! You can also create a quick track from within the session builder view. 

Pre-assigning your attendees to sessions

You can pre-assign your attendees or speakers to any built session(s). To do this:
  • Navigate to your event administrative site
  • Select schedule within the event menu
  • Navigate to your desired session or create one.
  • Click on the session title or edit icon to begin editing the session configuration
  • Scroll towards the bottom of the page and click "Add Users and Groups"
  • A dialogue box will pop up for you to assign any group(s) or user(s) to the schedule item
  • Click "Add" within the dialog box and "Save" within the session page