New Updates for Week of December 2, 2024

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE.
Green Heart Ask Multiple Customers: An email will be sent to the scheduler once all customers' time selections have been made. This action will prompt the next step of selecting the best date and time for all customers.
Green Heart 48-Hour Reminder Notes: Added activity notes on the web and the Excel report for 48-hour appointment reminder emails both ask customer and regular invites, enhancing tracking and clarity.
 Green Heart  Request Form Update: Automatically adding the organizer to the people field when filling out a request form, aligning with the functionality set for the regular appointment form.
Green Heart Edit Form: Renamed the "Discard" button in the edit form to better reflect its action during appointment edits by changing to 'Close without saving'.
Green Heart Year Display: Appointment dates now display the year if not within the current calendar year for better context.
 Green Heart  Invite Status Refinement: Added refine options to filter by customer and user invite status in appointment lists.
 Green Heart  Tooltips for Settings: Added tooltips to explain disabled settings for invites and reminders in past appointments.
 Lady Beetle  ICS Single Email Model Update: Resolved an issue where appointments remained on users’ calendars even after a customer declined the invitation. Now, all pending, tentative, and confirmed attendees will receive an email notification about the declined response, prompting their calendars to update accordingly.
 Lady Beetle  Merge Appointment Error: Fixed an error that occurred during appointment merges when the appointment organizer was not set.
 Lady Beetle  Ask Customer Date Range: Resolved an issue where "All Booked Up" was incorrectly displayed for in-person events, as the feature only considered event day dates and ignored availability set outside these dates.

Lady Beetle Account-Level Customer Lists: Fixed an error that occurred when creating appointments from customer lists at the account level.

Green Heart Hyperlinked Manageable Events: Enabled clickable hyperlinks for accessing or registering for manageable events directly from the event types list and buttons on the calendar view.

Green Heart Customer Meta Fields Logic Update: Improved the logic for single and multi-select fields in customer meta fields to enhance consistency and usability. These fields can now be filtered using OR logic, making it easier to search for records that match multiple criteria.

Lady Beetle Small Screen Size Fix: Resolved an issue where the hamburger menu was grayed out on small screen sizes, not informing users what and where they can navigate to and from.

 Green Heart  Status Report Emails for Check-In: Added the ability to create and schedule the sending of status report emails for event check-in lists, enhancing attendee management.

Lady Beetle Image Support in Text Boxes: Resolved an issue preventing the addition of images to text boxes in the registration setup.

Lady Beetle Bulk action fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where assigning a Full schedule to specific people and groups, then updating to assign it to 'all', did not make the expected update.
  • Resolved an issue where assigning people and groups did not show the option for visibility settings of schedule items, ensuring consistent permissions.