New Updates for Week of November 22, 2021

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE

Green Heart Updated logic for hybrid events that ensure the online meeting details are toggled on by default when creating a new appointment.
Green Heart Implemented a virtual and in-person indicator per each appointment attendee for appointments of hybrid events.
Green Heart Updated the location details for appointments of hybrid events to always indicate if a meeting has a room/location and/or also a virtual online meeting component.
Green Heart Made some updates to our invite and confirmation emails to bring more visibility to the in-person details for hybrid appointments.
Green Heart Made more updates to the auto-confirm workflow to mark appointments as confirmed upon import if these appointments contain all necessary info.
Green Heart Created a flag in the system for appointments of hybrid events that detects if the appointments are in-person, virtual, or hybrid. We also added a refine filter for this to sort the appointments list.
Lady Beetle Addressed issue that would not show an in-person attendee of a hybrid event the correct timezone when viewing the location availability menu. We also fixed not being able to see any of the appointments booked in these rooms.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that wouldn't allow saving an appointment unless a room was selected, making it impossible to save a virtual appointment.

Custom Pages
Green Heart Added the ability to build custom pages at the company level, available to Enterprise customers.

Green Heart Updated logic that detects customers attending virtually or in-person when selecting from the hybrid Ask Customer page and updating their event attendee status.

Green Heart Made updates to the Event Wizard to support hybrid event creations that are virtual and still use a location.

Green Heart Added the ability to directly link a home tile to different support menu items, (1) for contacting event support and (2) for technical support.
Lady Beetle Fixed logic for home tiles linking to your attendee profile to open your profile page without directly bringing you into the profile edit screen.

Green Heart Introduced the ability to create nested menu items within the custom menu an admin can set up.

Green Heart Implemented an indicator that shows an attendee of hybrid events how their connections are planning to attend the event, either in-person or virtually.

Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would show users a 404 error if a website field was entered only using 'www' and not 'https://' for the URL.

Green Heart Implemented a new registration type option to register via an email list, which makes it easier to bulk update all email addresses that can register for an event.
Green Heart Introduced a registration email that is sent daily to event organizers for any new registrations received via the web. We also added the ability to turn off this email in the admin, in case registration notifications are not needed.
Green Heart Made updates to the registration page by making the hyperlinked text more noticeable to users.

Green Heart Added the ability for search to return results for any added custom schedule item fields.

Green Heart Updated our survey notification email to not include names of the survey takers IF the survey is configured to be anonymous.

Green Heart Updated the Livestream content type used when creating a Symphony by adding both Mux RTMP ports (standard and secure). We also made updates to the language to communicate scenarios when the two should be used.
Green Heart Added the ability for any admin in a Symphony to remove any asked questions. Previously only host, co-host, or moderators were able to do so.
Lady Beetle Addressed an issue that would hide or not show the 'Send' button when users selected a GIF to send with their message.
Lady Beetle Fixed an error that prevented a Symphony from saving any edits when the Symphony was already 'Live'.