Primary Event View of Partner Appointments

In business collaborations, it's important to know the role of a Primary Event in managing partner appointments. Here's a simple summary of what event organizers should understand.

What is a Primary Event?
A Primary Event is the origin point of any collaborative appointment. It’s where an appointment is first scheduled and from which invites to partner event attendees are sent. The event that kicks off the appointment holds editing rights and oversight over the details and attendees of the appointment —hence the ‘Primary’ designation.

Appointment Management and Security
  • Attendee Information: Users of the primary event will see partner attendees listed in appointment details but cannot access detailed user profiles. This preserves privacy while keeping essential details visible, like invite and attendance status.
  • Attendee Interaction: Interaction with partner attendees within the appointment is limited. Organizers and schedulers can view and manually update their invite status (accepted, declined, or tentative) and check them in at the event.

Communication with Attendees
  • Email Invites: When invites go out, all participants will see who from the partner event is attending, fostering transparency.
  • Information Sharing: Shared details are limited to what's necessary—names and RSVP status—protecting personal information.