Companies - Engaging with a Company

An overview of all options available to you to learn and connect with a company

Company Logo & Banner

The company will often display their logo and branded banner for you to become familiar with their company and brand.

Company Overview

Company Website & Social Media Link

Request an Appointment

Companies may often have the ability to request an appointment enabled. There's two formats of appointment requests. The first method allows you to click Request Appointment and have the request sent to the organizer to help facilitate. The second method allows you to see each available time slot for the company. You may select the time slot, which will send an appointment request to the company to accept.

Full details on appointment scheduling with companies is  available here .


The people here at the event representing the company will be listed under People on the companies webpage. You may view their profile photo, name, title and description, then click on their name to bring up their full profile.

Messaging Channel

A messaging channel may be enabled for the company. Clicking Go To Chat will expand out the Messaging window on the right, opening up the messaging channel with the company. Use the channel to ask questions and converse with the people representing the company.


The company may provide resources for your viewing and accessing pleasure. These resources may be videos, podcasts, PDFs, presentations, websites and surveys.