Schedule | Different Options for Full Schedule sessions (Electives)

This article will outline the different configuration options for Schedule Items that appear in Full Schedule

Creating a session as an Elective
    .1Create Schedule Item, making it Visible to "All"
    .3Click Options
    .4Enable “Display in Full Schedule”
    .5You can then decide to enable a Waitlist for this session

Specifying who can see/has access to that elective
    .1Steps from above
    .2Click the blue “All” next to “Display in Full Schedule”
    .3Specify who has access to see/add this elective

Adding an elective to be mandatory for some (attendees do not have the option to remove the schedule item from their Schedule)
    .1Create Schedule Item, making it Visible to "All"
    .3Click Options
    .4Enable “Display in Full Schedule”
    .5Click back into the Details tab
    .6Click “Add Users and Groups”
    .7Specify which attendees this session will auto-appear in Schedule as mandatory (no Remove)

Pre-registering attendees to Electives (attendees do have the option to remove the schedule item from their Schedule)
    .1Create Schedule Item, making it Visible to "All"
    .3Click Options
    .4Enable “Display in Full Schedule”
    .5Click Save
    .6Click the tab “Registration”
    .7Click the plus button – Add Registration (1-by-1) or Bulk Registration