New Updates for Monday, February 1, 2021

An overview of this week's web and admin updates

Green Heart Made improvements to the schedule image list view previewing the description copy, allowing users to know the most important info without having to click into a schedule item.
Green Heart Implemented the ability for admin users to delete users' messages.
Lady Beetle Removed the ability to create a channel at the Company level when this Menu was not enabled.
Green Heart Updated the options on how to add a speaker on the Web, now including the ability to add an already existing customer, speaker, or attendee as a speaker.
Green Heart Update our login images on our Admin site to be consistent with the ones displaying for Web.
Green Heart Opening a direct URL (eg. Symphony or schedule item) that first prompts login will now direct the user to the content automatically instead of landing on Home always.
Green Heart Updated the 'Instant login email sent' confirmation screen for more clarity.
Green Heart Implemented the ability to contact our support chat from the spoiled instant login screen.
Green Heart Made the Support Chat a direct URL link so we can easily share it with everyone.
Green Heart Added ability for user reports exporting all of a user's details including custom fields added.
Green Heart Removed configuration options for Groups related to Competitions so we can make further improvements for Compete Teams.
Green Heart Added some copy to our newly implemented configuration options for Groups for video chat and private channels for further clarity on these settings.
Green Heart Added the Registration Website Logo to the Registration section within an Event. It was already present in the Event Setup - Images section.
Account Management
Green Heart Updated the Login drop-down options copy for more clarity within the Account.
Event Management
Green HeartScissors the Custom Menu option for Systems, as we found that it was not being used for events.
Green Heart Added the ability to add existing Speakers from within the Schedule Item form on the Web. This was only possible from within Admin prior.
Live Feed
Green Heart Increased the allowed character limits so users can post really long live feed posts. Some people have lots to say and we won't stop them anymore.
Green Heart Made some more adjustments to the recently redesigned new Symphony form.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would not allow admins to upload new resources to a Companies page and instead throw an error message.
Lady BeetleUpdated the tooltip that showed a confusing and incorrect message for resetting Survey competition results.
Lady Beetle Fixed issue that would not show notifications in the events in the custom set color theme.
Lady Beetle Corrected non-linked notifications not displaying in the custom set color theme.
Lady Beetle Updated our error messaging when there is a server connection issue.