Schedule - My Schedule

An overview on your personalized event schedule

My Schedule is your personalized schedule for your event. The items in your schedule may be sessions for all attendees, pre-assigned based upon your registration/group, anything you've added from the Full Schedule, or any meetings/appointments that you have.

My Schedule Display

Your schedule will auto-detect your time zone and will always display what is Up Next or Live Now for you. You may search through your schedule by keyword or use the Refine options to filter by day, time and track as examples.

Joining a Schedule Item

When you visit My Schedule, you'll always see what's up next and live now for you.

Up Next

Live - Join Now

Joining from the Schedule Item Details Screen

Adding Schedule Items from Full Schedule

If your event is one in which there's an optional schedule, you may add schedule items from Full Schedule in the Schedule menu. Full Schedule is often renamed as Schedule at a Glance or Congress Schedule as examples.

Automatically Assigned Schedule Items

The event organizer may often assign schedule items to your schedule. These will all appear under My Schedule.

Subscribe to Calendar (Syncing My Schedule to your Calendar)

You may always reference your schedule through My Schedule in the event website or event app. However, you may also sync everything from My Schedule directly to your calendar. Click the Subscribe button to walk through the steps to sync everything directly to your calendar. Any schedule updates or cancellations will be automatically updated in your calendar.

Sharing a Schedule Item with another attendee

You may always click Options and select the Copy Share URL option to share the schedule item link with another attendee.