Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE.
Introduced a new email template for when an attendee is removed from an appointment, enhancing communication customization.
Updated the appointment attendance report to display each attendee's group(s) they belong to, providing more detailed insights. 
- Expanded search field capabilities to allow for searching by appointment name, organizer, or customer names
- Added the ability to switch display views by customers, improving user-specific visibility.
- Made sure the group by feature picks color labels for the legend, considering not using custom theme colors that are assigned to the appointment feature to prevent confusion.

- Enhanced visibility settings for custom fields now allow specifying them as admin-only. When enabled, only admins, event managers/schedulers, and appointment organizers/ schedulers can view the custom field values, ensuring controlled access to sensitive information.
- Enabled copying custom fields from another event for streamlined setup.
Added a multi-select customer country filter to the appointments status report in the admin, allowing for more targeted management of appointment data. 
- Enhanced resource management capabilities, allowing for full editing of existing resources.
- Made resource links dynamic in appointment communications, including confirmation emails and ICS invites. When resources are set to 'Send in Invites', links in these messages automatically update to ensure access to the latest resource version

- Updated the template creation and editing process to reflect the new full-screen add/edit UI.
- Added a 'Save as new template' option to simplify template management.
Fixed errors generated in appointment history logs, making it unable for admins to view appointment details.
Fixed 404 error that occurred when opening appointment edits in full-screen view from location availability pages.
Updated copy display for users when allowing to book more than one appointment per company.
Updated the text again in the cancellation pop-up for company appointments to further improve the clarity of who receives the email.
Implemented functionality to upload and view resources in customer profiles, enhancing resource accessibility.
: Introduced a two-line menu item display for a more user-friendly experience when menu page titles are longer.
Addressed differences in user import templates between enterprise and non-enterprise level accounts, ensuring consistency.
Resolved an issue where some URLs didn't link correctly for users in external registration URLs on the registration page.
Addressed a column/time display issue in the personal scheduler (non-public beta) feature on admin, improving usability.