New Updates for Week of December 6, 2021

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE

Account Management
Green Heart Added the ability at the account level to manage all locations that have been created either at the event or account level.
Green Heart Updated the ability to select and detect who emails can be sent to when creating new email templates for appointments for more clarity.
Green Heart Improved the scrolling between dates indicators for the Ask Customers page. It now is easier to scroll to see more available dates to select from.
Lady Beetle Corrected location availability issue for virtual attendees that were showing duplicated dates and with some dates missing. It now shows per each available day.
Lady Beetle Addressed an issue that would not allow an appointment organizer to select a room that was available when the attendee was marked as an 'in-person' attendee and within a different time zone of the hybrid event.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would remove required attendees when bulk-adding people to an appointment or when accepting a requested invite for an appointment.
Green Heart Made some updates to the user analytics display for resources and representative connections to display them even if a user didn't have any interactions with either.
Green Heart Introduced the ability to hide the company name on the Web for the company list view. This setting has to be enabled by an admin on the admin site.
Green Heart Added a "Title" column to the Customers import form on admin.
Green Heart Made some design updates to improve how the attending/not attending list view displays for customers of an event.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would not detect different attendee statuses for hybrid events when a user attempts to mark a customer's attendance status via their My Company menu.
Custom Pages
Green Heart Added the ability to access the web version of created custom pages from the custom pages list view in the admin.
Green Heart Added a "Date Created" column to the Events lists export on admin.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue when viewing the image list view and searching for an event via the search field. It would always 'hide' the first search result making it appear that there were no results.
Green Heart Updated the system tile for upcoming/ happening now events for the My Company home page to always pull in the relevant event image but allow the admin to edit the image if preferred.
Green Heart Introduced some helper copy and workflow to help facilitate how nested menu items are created for the event or company menu within the admin site.
Green Heart Added the ability for an admin or event organizer to remove members of a private messaging channel via the web. Previously it only allowed removal via our app.
Green Heart Update the logic that when a user shares a video material in a channel or direct message. Now when a user clicks the video, it directly opens as a pop-up for users to instantly watch.
Green Heart Added the ability to filter notification sending by attendance type for hybrid events. It allows to only send to anyone marked virtual or in-person within a selected group that might have both types of attendees.
Green Heart Introduced the ability for a hybrid event attendee to filter between the attendee time zone and the event time zone (if different than from the user's). This update applies to the appointment AND schedule features.
Green Heart Updated logic to not show the attendance statuses indicator for people (in-person/virtual) IF the event type is either in-person or virtual. It is a hybrid event feature only.
Green Heart Introduced the ability for event organizers to create custom email templates to send to their attendees. There also will be an option to refine the attendee list to see who was sent or not yet sent a custom-created email.
Green Heart Added a refine filter for the 'Welcome Email sent' for the People list at the Account Level.
Green Heart Improved the refine filter for 'Account Groups' for the People list at the Account Level and introduced the ability to refine to users who are not assigned in a group.
Green Heart Introduced a list-type view for the People feature. We currently only supported a larger grid view.
Green Heart Added the ability to filter schedule items display in your My Schedule by attendance type for hybrid events. It allows to only show to anyone marked virtual or in-person within a selected group that might have both types of attendees.
Green Heart Added columns for Title, City, Country, and Biography to the Speakers list export on admin.
Green Heart Ensured that a participant can always see a record of all their own asked questions when the Symphony is configured to not display everyone else's asked questions.
Green Heart Made sure that sharing screen is only possible by own person at a time within Symphony.
Green Heart Updated logic that when hosts/co-hosts/moderators are in a Symphony before it goes live to not see a Join Symphony screen again when the Symphony is set live.
Lady Beetle Addressed an issue on mobile web that didn't output the 'Join Symphony from a desktop' prompt.