New Updates for Week of June 19, 2023

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE.

Green Heart Made a search improvement on the appointment list page to support a "partial match search" or "partial keyword search". We previously only supported an "exact match search".
Green Heart Implemented an update to the appointments bulk action, which now displays a clear indication that if an appointment has invitations disabled, the people will be added to the appointment but no invitations will be sent.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue of not being able to merge appointments. This was due to event-type changes that happened after appointments were created.
Lady Beetle Resolved the issue that would not display the Ask Customer links within the options drop down on appointment in confirmed status.
Lady Beetle Made updates to a display issue that prevented users from picking decline reasons for attendees on the appointment details screen.

Green Heart Made a search improvement on the collection content list page to support a "partial match search" or "partial keyword search". We previously only supported an "exact match search".

Green Heart Made a search improvement on the company list pages to support a "partial match search" or "partial keyword search". We previously only supported an "exact match search".
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue on nested menu items that would show the incorrect header label on the company list pages if the multiple company groups custom menu name when it is within a Nested Menu

Green Heart Implemented the ability to save your refine filters for the customer master list and provide the option to share it with someone at the account level.

Green Heart Made a search improvement on the events list page to support a "partial match search" or "partial keyword search". We previously only supported an "exact match search".
Green Heart Implemented the ability for event managers to manage all of the surveys they create for events.
Green Heart Implemented the ability to export all the submitted questions from users to our event support inbox which can be accessed via admin.
Green Heart Added attendee counts to the list view in admin so that event organizers and admins can quickly check how many attendees have been assigned to each event check-in list.

Green Heart Added two additional Zoom configuration settings when using the Personal Zoom integration for "Join before host" and "Join anytime."

Lady Beetle Resolved an issue regarding the incorrect time stamp display of notes on the web for a lead profile.

Green Heart Made updates to email templates for attendees to now differentiate templates to be sent to either "registered" or "registered and invited" people. This will now allow event organizers to create invite email templates and send emails in bulk to invited users.
Green Heart Added attributes to the email templates for events to include the event venue name and the event location (city, state, or country).
Green Heart Introduced the ability to search all groups for a specific user by either typing their name or email into the search field. Any group that includes this user will be displayed.

Lady Beetle Fixed email reporting not showing and accounting for the actual open rates for any emails sent to attendees of an event.

Green Heart Made a search improvement on the schedule item list pages to support a "partial match search" or "partial keyword search". We previously only supported an "exact match search".
Green Heart Introduced the ability to rearrange the order for the Schedule sub-menus "My Schedule" and "Full Schedule."
Green Heart Updated the admin list view for schedule items to show all the different types of attendees (elective, assigned, etc), as well as the number of attendees per item. This also means you can now see which customers are attending which schedule items.
Lady Beetle Fixed an export issue that wasn't respecting the sort order set on the web when exporting a report for schedule items.

Green Heart Made a search improvement on the speakers list pages to support a "partial match search" or "partial keyword search". We previously only supported an "exact match search".

Green Heart Updated logic that allows you to save your surveys started on mobile and open them on the web, picking up from the question you saved at. Before this, it would always start from the beginning on the web.

Green Heart Implemented a new integration option for Symphony called Green Terp (GT) offering simultaneous interpretation during a Symphony.

Green Heart Improved the display of travel plans and the associated travel itineraries on the admin page for easier viewing. The new display lists a travel plan and an admin can click on each individual travel itinerary for edits. This is an upgrade from the previous long page display, which made it difficult to differentiate between travel plans and all associated itineraries.