New Updates for Week of May 17th, 2021

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE!

Green Heart Implemented the ability for an attendee to edit their event visibility setting from within their user Profile view. This only shows if the event is configured to allow attendees to choose their visibility.

Green Heart Improved the display on our registration pages to not show unnecessary white space between sections.
Green Heart Worked on logic updates for mapping of custom profile fields from the registration form. It will ensure that any user that's part of an event (regardless if they belong to the event company or not) will see the custom profile fields in their profile when they are in the event in question.

Green Heart Updated workflow so that when an admin saves a tile they created or edited it doesn't redirect them to the list of all tiles but instead stays focused on the saved tile.
Lady Beetle Addressed tile placement issues for our new Home tiles.

Green Heart Made edits to the Recommended Connections banner display for when an attendee has no recommendations that match their topics of interest or when they have not yet selected any.

Green Heart Made further improvements for all Materials to only display and accept uploads matching the selected Material type for example an audio material will only allow .MP3 files.

Green Heart Made the ability to link Speakers with User profiles available to all admins.