Companies - Editing my Company Profile

When the organizer assigns you as a person representing the company, you may edit your company profile/webpage.

Visit your company webpage as seen below:

Click on the Options button to edit your company profile & webpage:

The following are the fields of information that you may edit:

Company Logo
Image Specifications: Minimum height: 64px
File types accepted: PNG, JPG, SVG

Company Hero Image
Image Specifications: 1350x450px
Cropping Aspect ratio: 3:1
File types accepted: PNG, JPG, SVG
Images should be under 1MB in size (Try using
Try  to shrink your image without lowering quality)

Company Hero Video
Choose between a Youtube or Vimeo video and paste in the direct URL.

Company Name

Company Tagline
Appears over the Company Hero Image

Company Description

Company Website

Company Social Media Links

Company Resources