Notifications - Automated Notifications

An overview on every notification sent automatically by Cadence


This article will provide an overview of the helpful automated notifications.

Schedule Reminders

5 minutes before a schedule item begins from your My Schedule list, a notification will be sent. This notification will link directly to the online link if a virtual event.

Connection Requests

When an attendee sends a connection request to you, you will receive the request as a notification.

Live Feed Post from Connection

When a connection of yours posts to the Live Feed, you will receive a notification.

Video Chat Started

When a connection sends a video chat request to you for a one on one or group based video conversation, you will receive a notification.

Live Polling Enabled

When Live Polling has been started for a session, you will receive a notification.

Ask a Question Enabled

When Ask a Question is enabled for a session, you will receive a notification.

Direct Message

When a connection direct messages you in Messaging, you will receive a notification.

You've Been @mentioned!

When someone @mentions you in Live Feed or Messaging, you will receive a notification.

Your Live Feed Post is on Fire!

When your Live Feed post is liked and commented on, you will receive a notification.