New Updates for Week of March 27, 2023

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE.

Account Management
Green Heart Implemented the ability to relabel the 'Topic' label for appointments. It could be set to apply for all events via the account level or on the individual event level within the admin.
Green Heart Updated logic to prevent access to company materials and editing them if you are an event manager. Only admins will be able to view and edit existing materials in the admin.

Green Heart Updated the ability to pull in event analytics dashboards from another event. Currently, this is only accessible to our internal team.
Green Heart Introduced the option to download PNG images for each graph on the analytics dashboards both on admin and web.

Green Heart Made label edits available for appointments at the individual event level. Previously labels would be customizable only at the account level.
Green Heart Added the ability to attach resources to any appointment, such as agendas, or customer profiles to help prepare for the engagement.
Green Heart Made updates to logic for when the organizer is left blank in the appointment form template. When using the template to create new appointments it will now always default the organizer to be the creator of the appointment and if enabled (via admin) will auto-add the organizer as an attendee to the appointment.
Lady Beetle Fixed a display issue that would not properly show the metrics dashboard if no appointments were yet added for the event.
Lady Beetle Applied a fix that would show a very long load time when a user tried to delete or cancel appointments.

Green Heart Added standard refine filters to the individual customer list view. We also include custom set fields in this view.
Lady Beetle Fixed a display issue that would show components overlapping with bulk actions in the attending/not attending list view.

Lady Beetle Addressed an issue to now detect the same lead IDs in the lead import process. This will allow the admin user to ensure the correct info is uploaded into the leads list.

Live Feed
Green Heart Made updates to the display of live feed posts with multiple image posts that are both in portrait and landscape mode. Previously the portrait mode would get cropped and not display the full picture when viewed.
Green Heart Updated our warning message for users when the character limit is reached for a post.

Green Heart Updated the naming convention for when a user opens a PDF material to 'PDF Viewer' instead of a non-descriptive 'GetDigitalPrintPDF'. This naming only shows if the PDF title was not provided.

Green Heart Updated logic to now pull the event logo (if set) and not the company logo when viewing the moments' page for an event.
Green Heart Added the ability to customize the moments' page copy that is displayed for each moments page for an event and for the company live feed.

Green Heart Update to pull location information for the event onboarding screen from the primary location setup.
Lady Beetle Corrected a location display issue by removing any unnecessary spaces between the copy.

Lady Beetle Fixed search within groups for an event to pull up all attendees regardless if the attendee belongs to the company account of the event or another one.

Green Heart Updated the Appointment Report by Customer in the admin site to include all custom fields for that company's customers.

Green Heart Added a column to the schedule item import template to set up 'Attendee Capacity' for schedule items with Full Schedule enabled.