Certifications - The What and How-To

Within Cadence, we have a feature called Certifications. This is oftentimes used to ensure that your employees or future employees are able to certify that they are up to date and knowledgeable in the area you are asking them to educate themselves on. It is great to do these certifications in Cadence because you are able to keep the data and also can use it to re-certify if needed every year.

These certifications will need to be set up with a Customer Success Team member and our Development team but here is the information we need from you, to ensure they are set up to your preference! Often times it is best just to send you Customer Success team members the way you do these certifications now (whether in PDF, Excel, etc form) so we can visually see how you have them set up and we can make the process smoother!

  • List of Certifiers (These are the people who will be asking the questions)
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • List of people or employees to be certified
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • If you wish for the certification to have a "Free response" area for Territory/District/etc
  • Title of the Certification(s)
  • Sections if applicable
  • This is to help segment the certification. For instance, if there are different departmental questions the sections would be the departments (Design, Marketing, etc)
  • The Questions that belong in each section or if no sections just all questions
  • Certification Answer Scaling
  • Pass and fail
  • Developing, Performing, Excelling
  • Unacceptable, Target Minus, Target, Target Plus, Outstanding
  • etc
  • Do you wish to have a "Notes Section" for free text for the certifier
  • Do you wish to have "Free Text" areas at the bottom for Strengths, Areas of Development, etc