New Updates for Week of April 12th, 2021

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE!

Green Heart Updated login message when an event is still in review but attendees try to access, letting them know it's not ready yet.
Green Heart Added an attribute option to the registration confirmation email that allows attendees to download the Event dates ICS file so they can bookmark their event in their calendars.
Green Heart Added display of timezone for registration responses in admin and the export to reflect the timezone set for the event.

Green Heart Improved security measures for collections and the content within them to ensure only the users specified can view them.
Green Heart Removed the city, state, country display on survey pages when viewed from the Web.
Green Heart Optimized the display of word cloud survey questions to ensure event organizers can present them to their audience.

Green Heart Removed some copy and dupe confirmation messages that informed participants when the screen is being shared.
Green Heart Applied a dark screen load when being redirected to breakout sessions from the main Symphony.
Lady Beetle Fixed issue that would not redirects users into a Symphony if they joined the Symphony before it officially was marked as Live by the host.
Lady Beetle Addressed playback issues for participants for video materials shared in a Symphony.

Green Heart Updated our admin login validation error message to show the company account owner email so admins can contact for assistance.
Green Heart Updated the copy for the Instant Login Email to always show the Event information and reference the Event Company's info.

Green Heart Implemented the ability to link schedule tracks and live feed 'feeds' on our new Home version.
Green Heart Implemented a new layout and version of Home that can be switched to showing a tile design event organizers can use to link content and videos. This is not yet readily available for all events but can be set up by request.

Green Heart Implemented topics of interest to reflect the ones selected for the actual event and being able to select and unselect from within the banner.
Green Heart Updated some things within Recommended Connections allowing profiles to be hyperlinked and adding a Connections tab that was already available in profile view.

Event Onboarding
Green Heart Made improvements to the Topics set up in Admin including the ability to update and customize the onboarding text copy.

Green Heart Implemented the ability to show custom drop-down fields in Profile edit mode on web.
Green Heart Added a static deep-link to a user's profile page.

Event Management
Green Heart Added validation messages and warnings when an admin tries to switch the event time zone to another to alert them what does and doesn't get updated with this change.

Green Heart Added the ability to view followers of any Collection within the admin view.

Green Heart Made updates to the Schedule item descriptions within the list view.

Green Heart Implemented a new design for our error message using a rather adorable puppy dog.

Live Feed
Lady Beetle Addressed some logic that prevented images from pulling in from linked Twitter hashtag posts.

Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that would not allow users to select only one refine option from one of the refine filters.

Lady Beetle Addressed issues users experienced with smaller screen sizes and not being able to expand the left-hand menu.

Lady Beetle Addressed an issue with notifications not pulling in the custom set color themes when applied per menu feature.