Appointments - Ask Customer | Single Date & Time Select and Customers Submit Availabilities

Single Date & Time Select (Appointment default)
Customers Submit Availabilities
Allows customer(s) to select a single date and time. Upon selection, the system automatically sends invites to all in the appointment.
  • Can be sent to just one customer or multiple
Allows customer(s) to select multiple dates and times from the Ask Customer web page. There is no automation upon customer(s) selecting date and times other than an email that sends them the times they selected with the chance to go back and amend them if needed.
  • Can be sent to just one customer or multiple
Email sent from system: The default Ask Customer Email is sent.
To whom: Every customer in the appointment
These emails can be edited prior to sending.
Email sent from system: The Default Ask Multiple Customers email is sent.
To whom: Every customer in the appointment (Send to all customers) OR select what customers to send it to (Send to selected customers) These would be considered the "required customers".
These emails can be edited prior to sending.
Trigger: First customer to select a date and time, sets the date and time for the appointment.
Action: Invite emails get sent to all attendees (customers and users) to set their RSVP status to the appointment with the date and time determined by the first customer that submitted.
You can still utilize the Single Date & Time Select URL to send in a personal email by clicking on the appointment options and selecting Copy "Ask Customer" Link to [Customer Name]
Trigger: Customer(s) click on "Select Date(s) & Time(s)" button from email and submit multiple date(s) and time(s).
An email is sent to the customer with their selected dates and times and states that once all other required attendees select times, there will be a formal invitation with calendar hold.
Email Subject to Customer upon submitting times: Your Submitted Times: [Appointment Name]
Action: An email is sent to the organizer/scheduler of the appointment saying that the customer(s) have selected dates and times. This email also states if other customers have submitted or if they are waiting on anyone still.
Email Subject to Organizer: [Customer Name]: Times Selected - [Appointment Name]
Once all customers have submitted dates and times that work for them, an email gets sent to the scheduler saying that all applicable customers have submitted dates and times.
Email Subject to Organizer: Time to Schedule - [Appointment Name]
You can still utilize the Customers Submit Availabilities URL to send in a personal email by clicking on the appointment options and selecting Copy "Ask Multiple Customer" Link to [Customer Name]
Who/what sets the date and time of the appointment: The first customer to select a time from the Ask Customer page sets the date and time.
Who/what sets the date and time of the appointment: The scheduler/organizer sets the date and time by looking at the "View Multi-Customer Votes" button in the Appointment Edit Page. Or by clicking the Options button (three dots) on the appointment listing page and selecting View Multi-Customer Votes.
Rescheduling Options for Single Date & Time Select: Rescheduling is automatically disabled for appointments with more than one customer. If customer is trying to reschedule, they are instructed to reach out to the scheduler.
Rescheduling Options for Customers Submit Availabilities: Rescheduling is automatically disabled. If a date and time is assigned to the appointment, and the customer goes back to try and submit new times, they are instructed to reach out to the scheduler.
Use cases
  • One customer to select a date and time automatically to meet with the internal attendees
  • More than one customer and they don't care who selects the date/time

Use Cases
  • When there is more than one customer and you need to see what time works for all customers in the appointment
  • When you have one customer and multiple teams want to meet with them back to back
  • Change the time allocated to the time needed (usually 60 minutes) and ask them to select the dates and times that work OR keep it as 30 minute increments and make it clear it is for two different teams
  • When you have one customer and you want to internally align who will meet with them so asking for multiple availabilities helps the internal attendees prioritize who should meet with the customer
Differences from Customers Submit Availabilities:
  • One customer selects and sets the time from the Ask Customer Web Page
  • Once the Ask Customer Email is sent from the system, and a customer selects the time, it automatically sends the invites and calendar ics to all in the appointment
Differences from Single Date & Time Select (Ask Customer):
  • All (or the selected) customers submit times that work for them from the Ask Multiple Customers Web Page. - No automatic invite is triggered from this action.
  • Once the customers submit their times, the Organizer/Scheduler navigates to the "View Multi-Customer Votes" page from within the appointment and easily sees the times that work for all and also individual customers.
  • The Organizer/Scheduler then selects a date/time/room and sends the invite from the system.