Notifications - Receiving Notifications

An overview on receiving helpful communications throughout your event experience


You will receive notifications throughout your event experience. These can be automated notifications from the system, such as schedule reminders, connection requests, video conversation requests, ask a question enabled and live polling. These can also be notifications sent from the event organizer. These may be purely text based notifications or most often, they're deep linked notifications, linking you directly to the areas of the event that are most important to you.


On both web and app, upon onboarding into the platform, you will be asked to enabled notifications. Selecting enable will allow you to receive all helpful event communications from the platform and events team.


In Event Notifications (Web & App)

When a notification is triggered, you will receive these notifications when inside your event on web and app. They will appear for only 5 seconds. On web, they'll appear in the top right hand corner. In app, they'll appear at the bottom of your screen.

Browser & Push Based Notifications

When outside of the event in your browser or outside of the app, you may receive browser and push based notifications.

Notifications on Home

Your notifications will always display on your event Home screen after being sent.

You will be able to View All, remove each notification individually or remove all notifications, directly from your Home screen.

Dedicated Section for Notifications

In web, all Notifications will always display within the Notifications section, which will always be available to you in the Header.

You will be able to remove each one individual or remove all from this section as well.

Email Notifications

The event organizer may occasionally send important notifications through email. Here's an example of an email notification with a deep link to an area of the event.