Speakers - Creating & Managing Speakers (Admin Overview)

An overview on adding & managing your list of event speakers


For your event, you can highlight all speakers within the Speakers menu item. Your speakers may also be associated with your schedule and linked to your Home screen and Notifications.

You will be able to add new speakers from:
  • Your admin site
  • Event website
  • App

Admin Site: Adding Speakers

My Account - Speakers

In your admin site, you have your overall account and each individual event. At the account level, you can manage your list of speakers across events.

Select the + button to add a new speaker to your account listing of speakers.

You will be brought to the new speaker form.

You will be able to fill out the following details in their profile:
  • Profile photo
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Title
  • Company
  • City
  • Country
  • Biography
  • Social Media Links

Event - Speakers

Within your event, you will find the ability to add speakers. Visit your event in the admin site, select People in the menu, then select Speakers.

To add a new speaker to your event, select the + button to the right of the speakers header.

When adding speakers, you have two options:
  • Creating a new speaker - this will also add the speaker to your account library
  • Selecting from your list of previously created speakers, attendees, or customers - this is the most common option

Select Create Speaker if you are not selecting from a previously created speaker or selecting from an attendee or customer to make a speaker.

Select from Speakers

The Select from Speakers option will bring up a list of:
  • Speakers
  • Attendees
  • Customers

You can choose from this list or search for a specific person.

If your speaker will be an attendee of the event, this is the best method of adding the speaker as all their profile information will carry over.

Reordering the List of Speakers

You may change the display order of your speakers by using the icon to the left of the speaker.

Adding Speakers from Event Website

To add speakers, simply visit the Speakers menu item.

Select the + button to the right of the speakers header.

You will be brought to the Add Speaker form.