Appointments - Email Communications Overview

Overview of Emails Generated for Appointments

System generated emails act as a crucial touch-point when inviting your customers to an appointment. This article is an overview of the different types of emails generated when booking appointments.
These examples are the default verbiage, as an account admin, you can update these templates at the event level under Appointments Emails in the admin site.
They can also be updated at the account level to apply to ALL events in the admin site under your account set up.


Appointment Invitation - Standard Invite for Specified Time

Both customers and internal employees will receive the same invitation with all of the details of your appointment.
Each section of the appointment invite is detailed below.

Default Example

Note: If your appointment was scheduled by someone else, the scheduler's contact information will appear. If you are booking your own appointment, your name and contact information will appear.

Appointment Invitation - Ask Customer for Preferred Time

The Ask Customer feature allows you to inquire with your customers about which times and dates work best for them. The following invitation is only displayed to Customers.
Default Example

Note: Once your customer has selected a time, internal employees will receive the standard invitation including the time and date selected by the Customer.

Scheduler's Confirmation Email

As the scheduler of an appointment, you will automatically be sent a confirmation email once an appointment is booked.


When an invitee accepts your invitation the Scheduler of the appointment will immediately receive an Acceptance Confirmation.
Default Example


When an invitee declines your invitation, you will receive an Appointment Declined email displaying the person that declined the appointment, as well as their reason for declining (if provided).
If an invitee declines the appointment or clicks "Request a new time." They will be prompted for the reason they declined. Options include Not Attending Event, Different Date & Time Needed, and Other. Decline reasons will be sent to the Scheduler of the appointment.

Default Example

Organizer Confirmation

When appointments have been scheduled for you by a Scheduler, you will receive a recap of any Appointments scheduled for you. This email will be received at 5:00 PM of the event timezone.
Default Example

Appointment Change Email

When an appointment's Date, Time, or Location is changed, all Pending and Confirmed Invitees will be sent an Appointment Change email.
Default Example

Appointment Cancellation Email

When any appointment is cancelled, all invitees are notified via email. The reason for cancellation will be included will be included to all of your attendees if cancelled through the appointment website.
Default Example


Appointment Reminder (For Customers)

Your customers will receive an appointment reminder email 24 hours before your appointment is scheduled. The reminder email will outline the details of the appointment as well as contact information of the organizer in case the invitee needs to get in touch.

Subject: Appointment Reminder: [Appointment Name] (Appointment Date and Time) is tomorrow!

Default Example

Appointment Reminders (For Internal Employees)

Internal employees will receive two automated emails outlining upcoming appointments. On the evening before the appointments (received at 7 PM) and another the morning of appointments (Received at 6 AM).

Subject: Your Appointments For Today - [Today's Date]
Default Example

Appointments Daily Recap Email

Organizers and any internal attendees (besides anyone marked as a No-Show) will receive an automated email outlining occurred appointments at the end of the day (in the event timezone). The email includes a 'Thank You' button for each appointment that if clicked opens a templated email to the customer.

Subject: [Platform Name] | Daily Recap of your [Event Name] Appointments
Default Example