Appointments - Creating Your Appointments

An overview of all options available to you when creating and scheduling your appointments


By default, when you Create an Appointment, you will be listed as the scheduler and the organizer. You may change either the scheduler or organizer by clicking the X to the right of their name. When searching for schedulers or organizers, the system will look up all employees at your company.

The scheduler is the one that will be actively managing the appointment. They are copied on each response from the individual appointment participants. The scheduler is also the one that is listed in email communications as the person to contact in the need of changing the appointment or rescheduling.
The organizer is the one that all invites will come from when invites are sent. The organizer is traditionally the one that has the relationship with the customer. The organizer is sent summary emails of participant status rather than each individual one.


The Appointment Name is often the subject that you would include in a traditional appointment or meeting invite from your calendar. We recommend including the customers name first for visibility in their incoming email along with the topic of conversation and team they're meeting with at your company along with the event name at the end.


You may choose to prioritize your appointments by Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3. Prioritization may be important if the total number of proposed requests is larger then the capacity of meetings you could schedule within your meeting rooms. Once you've prioritized your appointments, you may use the Refine filter "Priority" to filter the view by Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 appointments.

Note: Priority settings are only available within Cadence Web and will not be displayed in iOS and Android Applications.


You may enable Topics and/or Objectives for your appointments at your event. We strongly recommend that you do so as customers as well as your internal colleagues will come better prepared for the conversation if the topics and objectives for the conversation are clear.


Search people to add to the appointment, or Add People + to add those not found. Click star icon to set the person as Required to require attendees to attend the appointment.


When sending out invites, you will have two options. The first is the traditional method of speaking with your customer to find the best Date and Time, then sending out the official invite. The other method, which is greatly appreciated by your customer, is the ability to toggle on Ask Customer. When enabled, an invite is sent asking them to select the date and time that they would prefer based upon their schedule availability at the congress. The dates and times presented to the customer are based upon the internal colleagues of yours that you have marked as Required Attendance along with the meeting rooms you have selected. If no meeting rooms are selected, the dates & times presented to the customer will only be based on the Required Attendees employees availability.


You can assign a Room, an Online Meeting Service or Manually Enter details to the Appointment as the location.
Room Assignments: Meeting rooms are set up in Admin at the event level. (See Admin > Appointments > + Rooms > Appointments Configuration to configure dates and times when a room can be booked.)

Online Meeting Service: You may often want to include online meeting details for any internal colleague or customer that is unable to join live. Simply toggle on Enable Online Meeting Details and once the appointment has been saved with a date and time, the Online Meeting Link and Online Meeting Details fields will display and the online meeting URL will be generated and included in invitations and confirmation emails.

Manually Enter: Selecting Manually Enter allows you to manually enter the meeting link and details.


If you are only intending on adding the appointment to your event for visibility and reporting purposes, but do not want to send any attendee an invite or a reminder, simply toggle off Send Invites and Send Updates & Reminders.


Toggle on Make Private to mark an appointment as private.


If you are looking to create an Appointment that allows you to send an appointment registration website to colleagues and many customers, toggle on Enable Registration. Upon confirming your appointment you will receive an Appointment Registration URL to send out for people to register.


The final step before officially sending out your email is the Preview Email screen. Here you may view how the email looks to your colleagues and customers. You may edit the Email Subject Header and Email Body Copy by clicking Edit Email.


The platform supports a robust appointment importing engine from excel. The platform upon import, will analyze the excel to identify any errors, such as unrecognized cells in the excel and if the import matched organizers and customers emails. If the customer does not match, you will have the ability to create a new customer or match customers directly from the import wizard.