New Updates for Wednesday, December 9, 2020

An overview of this week's web and admin updates

Green Heart Added a messaging icon indicating new notifications when the messaging menu is collapsed.
Green Heart Added the ability to video chat in private channels created including channels created via a Company chat or Schedule chat.
Lady Beetle Fixed issue with the closing of the @mentioning dialog window when clicking to view more results.
Green Heart Added the ability to upload and add a video file while creating a new Symphony.
Green Heart Implemented messaging ability for all Symphony participants so everyone can live share and talk with each other while the Symphony is happening. Talk about bringing people together.
Green Heart Added ability for our company pages to unfurl when sharing and pasting a company URL.
Green Heart Updated logic for Admin users to view and edit the Appointments type for Companies on the admin site.
Lady Beetle Improved the hero banner image responsiveness for Companies to accommodate viewing different browser sizes.
Lady Beetle Fixed border visibility when uploading a logo with a plain white background when viewing the Companies list.
Green Heart Made a subtle adjustment to the Follow button to only appear on hover on the Collections list view
Lady Beetle Fixed an error user received when trying to open a PDF Collection Content in Firefox.
Green Heart Finally gave notifications its own spot in the right-hand header menu, so you can easily navigate and access them.
Green Heart Made an adjustment to display of Header sections to not be ALL CAPS (can you hear me yelling it!) and made them case sensitive.
Green Heart Implemented a "Build your Schedule" Banner on My Schedule when attendees have not yet added any elective schedule items. It will help educate new users and help them plan their schedules.
Green Heart Added reports for online meeting link usage for Schedule items accessible in the admin site.
Green Heart Added ability to add multiple users to a registration list for a schedule item, gone are the days of one by one adding only.
Green Heart Updated logic for Admin users to view and edit the Calendar Sync Dates for attendees' schedules.
Green Heart Made improvements to the multi-aspect ratio cropper.
Green Heart Added a loading state when using refine filters for Attendees on the admin site as queuing up search results can sometimes take longer to load depending on the size of your attendee list.
Green Heart Added the ability to enable or disable the day before the event Schedule Conflict email that will be sent to all event attendees.
Green Heart Added a Subscribe to Calendar attribute to the Welcome Email templates for attendees.
Green Heart Updated logic for Admin users to view the "Send Subscribe Email" button on a user's profile and send the actual email for any user within their account.
Green Heart Fixed the Subscribe Email text for when an account has not selected a specific calendar provider (eg. Google or Outlook).
Event Registration
Green Heart Updated Registration page copy for App downloads to use the Platform name if a custom app link exists.
Green Heart Updated the Registration form drop down verbiage just a tiny bit.
Green Heart Increased the character count for our question fields on our Registration forms.
Green Heart Added ability and improved design for creating and building a Registration form
Green Heart Added proper Terms of Use & Privacy Policy to Web & Event Login pages.
Green Heart Updated copy to show the event organizers' email when a user tries to log in to an event they have not been granted access to.
Event Management
Green Heart Moved ability to enable Symphony for an event to the Menu item options in admin and removed it from options within Schedule options.
Green Heart Added a description for Symphony when selecting in the Menu and the Event Wizard.
Lady Beetle Fixed a broken icon for Audio Material for our Event Dashboard report visible in the 'Top 5 Materials' list.
Lady Beetle Addressed an issue when viewing the team list it would always show you all users not just the members from the specific team.
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue that prevented users to view all leaderboard teams simply because the 'View all' option was missing.
Lady Beetle Fixed some unpleasant flashing issues when opening and navigating to teams and leaderboard screens within a competition.
Live Feed
Lady Beetle Fixed an issue when trying to comment on a Live Feed post with a GIF without adding texts.
Green Heart Adjusted our text fields & html editors to automatically strip font face stylings. No more funny business when copying and pasting text.
Green Heart Addressed spacing issues between My Company label and the My Event Menu in the admin.