Compete - The What and How-To for Event Admins

Compete is a Premium Pro Feature, and only available in a Premium Pro or Enterprise license.

Who doesn't love a little friendly competition? Spark the competitive fire and engage your audience like never before.

Jump to  Compete - Competition Ideas  and  setting up Compete Teams . You can also watch a Loom video of the information below here.

What is Compete?
Cadence Compete is a  Premium Pro  Feature, and only available for this license tier. Foster team building skills and communication, all while having fun! Engage and connect your audience through a little friendly competition.

How to set it up?

To create and manage your competitions, visit your event in the admin site and select the menu item Compete. You will see three sub-menu items automatically enabled - Competitions, Leaderboard and Teams. This article will further break-down each of these.

Once Compete is enabled, it will appear for you under the "my event" menu within the admin site. Click Compete, and then the blue plus button ( + ) to start building your competitions. In this step, you are beginning to build your Leaderboard for this particular competition. Notice that to the right of each competition Name, is a number. You may have multiple Competitions contribute to one Leaderboard.

You will be brought to the form to create a new competition (aka Leaderboard)

Give a name, description and use the second text box to provide further information on how to win points. Provide an image for the competition, and an image for the Leaderboard (examples below). Also, set whether the Leaderboard displayed should be by User or Team, or select None if you do not wish to display a leaderboard.  More information here on setting up Teams (Compete Groups). 

Directly under "Leaderboard Type" you will find a few additional fields to populate. Enter the number of entries you would like displayed on the Leaderboard (how many individual users or teams display in total). As a recommendation, we suggest setting this to 10 entries.

You'll then set the competition duration. This is the period of time when attendees can receive points for this competition. Important note: If Cadence will be setting up any custom competitions, our team will take care of setting this value. More information on types of competitions below.

Then click "Save".

Once saved, you will then see multiple tabs appear along the top of the page. We have been working under the "details" tab.

The "competitions" tab is where you will associate the point value for completing a particular action. Click on the tab, and then the blue plus (+) button to start adding. You can currently add the following functionality as automated points for competitions. Each item below will take you to learn more about that feature in Cadence.
    Live Feed
    People Engagement
    Profile Filling
    Asked Questions
 Here is our complete article on all automated competitions  (Compete - Competition Ideas) that can be configured. Please note, your Customer Success team can help set up the additional options not listed above.

You will then set who can participate (who can receive points to display on the leaderboard). If you need to specifically exclude only a few individuals, it's best to use the second field below and search for those individuals to exclude from participating.

The "visible to" tab sets who can see this competition leaderboard when in the event. Leaderboards can be hidden. You may select to only show this leaderboard to just the participants, all attendees or a specified group. You will then be asked to search for the specific attendees who should have this leaderboard visible.

We then have the "ad-hoc points" tab. This is where you can manually assign point value to Users and/or Teams. Click the smaller blue plus (+) button to assign points to either a User or Team, the number of points being assigned, and a reason why, You can also Import multiple point values by following our template.