Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE.
Added the ability to edit the default copy for schedule item email templates for registration and waitlist that are used at the event level.
Made some updates and added better explanations on admin and web around the recently implemented ability to enable Zoom recording for schedule items and appointments when our Zoom integration is being utilized.
Implemented the ability to merge one appointment into another appointment and allow the ability to carry over the people, objectives, topics, and locations of the appointment you are merging.
Now excluding appointments in canceled status for calculating and displaying mutual requests.
Updated logic to now allow moving an appointment to Pending manually from the people contact option accessed from within the appointments list view.
Logic was updated when creating new appointments for hybrid events to have location be toggled to rooms by default. This will apply if there is at least one available room for in-person appointments.
Changed the list vs grid view buttons and position for the Customers 'Engagements' and 'Master List' pages to be consistent with how they display on other feature pages.
Temporarily disabled the automated list updates email notification for customer lists.
Addressed an issue on the web and admin that would not consistently inform the user about skipped import records when importing new/existing customer records.
Fully retired the support of Home 1.0 for any new events created moving forward.
Added support of 'Webp' files to be uploaded anywhere an image can be added to our platform.
Made improvements to the attendees list lazy loading, which is especially helpful when there are hundreds of attendees for an event.
Fixed an issue that wouldn't filter email sending at the attendee level within people on admin. When filtered by 'attendance type' it would still send to all, and not the actual selection.
Made the ability to connect the Office 365 Mailbox via your profile on the web available to all users of Enterprise accounts and premium pro licensed events.
Fixed an issue that would not allow saving a schedule item with the Online Meeting setting disabled.
Updated logic to now show the Prefix on the web for speaker profiles if it was entered on the web or admin.