New Updates for Week of March 10, 2025

Please find below a list of our latest updates that are now LIVE.

Green Heart Update Emails with Change Details: Enhanced update emails to provide details about what changes to date, time or location were made to appointments.
Lady Beetle Screen Freezing: Fixed an issue where selecting "Add Multiple People" in the details/edit view caused the screen to freeze.
Lady Beetle New Customer Creation: Resolved an issue preventing new customer/user creation when pasting an email and record is "Not Recognized."
Lady Beetle Secondary Email Recognition: Fixed an issue where secondary email addresses assigned to a customer profile were incorrectly marked as "Not Recognized."

Green Heart Filter for Customers: Improved filtering logic for customers to support arrange by options for the latest engagement first and oldest engagement first.
Green Heart Filter for Customer Lists: Improved filtering logic for customer lists to support arrange by options for the newest added first and oldest added first.
Lady Beetle Bulk Action Screen Jump: Fixed an issue where the screen jumped back to the top after every selection when using bulk actions for customers.

Green Heart Blueprint Event Linking:
  • Added a field to link a Blueprint event to a manageable event, improving event organization.
  • Introduced a new menu item and page for Blueprint management at the event level.
Lady Beetle Event Logging: Fixed logging functionality to track who is the event creator.

 Green Heart  Tooltip Audit: Conducted an audit of tooltips on web to improve clarity and consistency across all features.

 Lady Beetle  Notification Report Crash: Fixed an issue where removing a custom page caused the notification report to crash.
 Lady Beetle  UI Fix for Notification Reports: Resolved a broken UI issue affecting the notifications report page on admin.

 Lady Beetle  Bulk Action Email Template: Fixed an issue to ensure that the correct email template is updated when doing so through bulk actions.

 Lady Beetle  Speaker Page Access: Resolved access problems to the speakers' feature page when the menu item is not enabled or visibility is restricted to specific users. Previously, it was possible to access a speaker profile from a schedule item and navigate to the speaker feature page. Now, users will be redirected back to the schedule item.

Green Heart Custom Instruction Text: Added the ability to configure custom instruction text for travel.
 Lady Beetle  Comment Field Issue: Fixed an issue preventing users from clearing the comment field in travel records.
Lady Beetle Flight Status Update Issue: Resolved an issue where flight statuses reappeared after flight info was updated.