An overview on distributing Materials for your Schedule Items
For each and every schedule item, you have the option of assigning and distributing Materials.
To begin, visit your preferred schedule item and navigate to the Materials tab:
To add a material, select the button to the right of the Materials tab"
A form will pop-up allowing you to either a material from your account material library or a new material to add to your account/event.
Select a material will search for all materials that are associated with your account. You may always manage your main content library here . You will be able to search for the material, rename it if you'd like and determine when you'd like it released.
Creating a new material will allow you to upload a file or enter a website. Upon adding, it will add this material to your content library . You will enter the material name and determine when you'd like it released. You may tap Show Advanced Settings to see the following two options:
Use this option if you'd like the Material to be displayed on the schedule item details screen, but not in the Materials section.
Use this option if you'd like to enter a passcode that attendees will need to enter in order to access the material.
Here's how it looks to the attendee:
There are a few additional options to you once you add your material to the schedule item.
This is where you can define if the material is available to All attendees of the schedule item, specific groups and/or specific attendees from the schedule item.
Select the eye icon to open the Edit Material screen from your main material library rather then the Edit Material from your schedule item.
It will bring you to this screen in admin:
You may select the option to easily send out a notification to the attendees of the schedule item that a new material has been released.
This is how the Notification appears for the attendee: