Configuring a Room For Appointments (Admin)

First, if you haven't already, create a room. If you haven't made it that far yet, see the quick guide at the bottom of this page.

Make Room Available for Appointment Booking

Within a created room, navigate to "Reservations", from the Reservations menu, you can make the room available for appointment bookings by checking the first option.

Next, add the room's schedule, and details like Seat Count, whether there is AV Available, and Add an Image that will appear when users create their appointments.

Creating a Room

First, locate the Appointments menu on the left side of your screen. Then navigate to Room.
To create a New Room, click on the blue plus sign in the upper right corner.

Now, enter the details of the room by inputting Room Name, select a Map (optional), input the Attendee Capacity (optional), Floor (optional), and Photo (optional). Then click Save.