Event Manager - User Role


Event Managers play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation and management of events on our platform. Our Admin Site provides a robust suite of tools and capabilities tailored specifically for Event Managers, allowing them to efficiently handle various aspects of event management. This guide outlines the capabilities and limitations of the Event Manager user role within our Admin Site.

Capabilities - Admin Site

General Access
  • Log in to the Admin Site: Event Managers can log in with their credentials.
  • Event Manager User Role: Users can be assigned the Event Manager role through their Account Information on the User Profile.
  • Create New Events: If assigned as an Event Manager, users can create new events.
Event Management
  • Access Events: Event Managers must be added as an Event Manager to see and manage events.
  • Navigation: Go to an Event → Event Setup → Event Manager field.
  • Analytics and URLs: Access and view event analytics and URLs.
Event Setup
  • Details: Edit various event details.
  • SA Only Fields Exception: Certain fields, like license type, are restricted.
  • Company Access: Edit company details and duplicate existing events.
Menu Management
  • Add/Edit Menu Items: Create and customize menu items, including:
  • Materials at the account level
  • Collections at the account level
  • Custom Pages
  • Images: Add and edit images.
  • Topics and Settings: Modify event topics and settings.
  • Color Theme: Adjust the color theme.
  • Event Team Pages: Customize event team pages.
Location and Rooms
  • Locations: Manage event locations.
  • Rooms: Configure room settings.
  • Available Integrations: Add and edit integrations for the event.
Event Support
  • Support Requests: Manage support requests and support menu items.
  • Onboarding Options: Enable/disable onboarding, edit options, add videos, and reset onboarding.
  • Notification Management: Add and edit notifications, including linking materials and collections at the account level.
Home Page
  • Home Tiles: Customize home tiles, including creating content tiles linked to account-level materials and collections.
People Management
  • Registration: Manage registration options, add/edit website builder sections, and handle registration forms.
  • Attendees: Add attendees manually or via import, invite and remove attendees, and edit attendee profiles.
  • Speakers: Create and manage speakers, including adding them from existing attendees or customers.
  • Groups: Manage event-level groups and their visibility.
  • Companies: Edit company details and manage appointment requests.
Schedule Management
  • Schedule Items: Create, duplicate, and manage schedule items, tracks, labels, and custom fields.
Live Feed
  • Live Feed Management: Manage live feed posts, Twitter handles, moments, and polls.
  • Gallery Management: View and delete uploaded images (Note: this feature is being sunsetted).
Materials and Collections
  • Materials: Create and manage materials, including surveys.
  • Collections: Add new collections, manage options, and edit content.
Live Polling
  • Polling Management: Manage live polls, including starting, ending, and deleting polls.
  • Map Management: Create, select, and edit maps from the library.
  • Compete Management: Add, edit, and manage competitions and teams.
  • Appointment Management: Manage rooms, objectives, topics, options, and status report emails.
  • Lead Management: View, remove, and import leads, and edit badge scanning setup.
  • Event Reports: Access all event-related reports.

Limitations - Admin Site

Restricted Access
  • Company/Account Menu: Event Managers cannot access the Company/Account menu, only the Events menu.


Our platform equips Event Managers with a comprehensive set of tools to effectively manage events, from setup and customization to attendee management and reporting. While there are some limitations regarding account-level access, the extensive capabilities provided ensure that Event Managers can focus on delivering successful events.